There is likely to be a proxy fight for the control of Korea Zinc (010130 KS) between MBK/Young Poong alliance and Chairman Choi/Bain Capital alliance in January 2025.
What is covered in the Full Insight:
Introduction to Korea Zinc Proxy Fight
Stake Acquisition by Young Poong Precision
FSS Review of Young Poong Accounting Issues
Shareholding Stakes and Proxy Battle
Market Outlook and Conclusion
Boomeranged on Tue, 10 Dec 2024 15:55
MBK mentioned that Korea Zinc should conduct a stock split instead of a capital increase to increase shares trading liquidity. MBK stated that if it will pursue a stock split (such as 5 to 1 or 10 to 1). Korea Zinc should cancel its treasury shares immediately. MBK estimated a total of KRW 3.4 trillion in damage to shareholder value due to poor mgmt decisions such as buying treasury shares.
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