In this insight, we compare the share price movements of Korea Zinc versus S.M.Entertainment Co (041510 KS) which was the most heated M&A fight in 2023 in Korea.
What is covered in the Full Insight:
Comparison of M&A Events: Korea Zinc vs SM Entertainment
Key Timeline Events for SM Entertainment
Korea Zinc's Share Price Movement and Valuation
Conclusion and Short-term Outlook
Boomeranged on Tue, 17 Dec 2024 09:29
December 18th is the last day to secure voting rights for Korea Zinc. MBK claims intrinsic value of Korea Zinc is 14 trillion won (680,000 won per share) vs Korea Zinc's current mkt cap of 23 trillion won (1,112,000 won per share). Further decline in share price of Korea Zinc is likely as many investors focus on the intrinsic value of the company, rather than on gaining more voting rights.
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