APP, APO, and LII are the main candidates for addition, while COIN might surprise due to high liquidity score. ILMN has muted conviction because of ineligible earnings and recent deletion.
What is covered in the Full Insight:
S&P500 Transition and Migration Candidates
S&P500 Deletion Candidates
Bullish and Bearish Points
Summary and Conclusions
Boomeranged on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 13:27
Lennox International (LII US) - the top migration candidate - was announced as an addition to the S&P 500 on 18 December, soon after the quarterly review. It replaced Catalent (CTLT), which has been acquired by Novo Holdings A/S. The price of LII jumped ~3.5% post-announcement, and the change became effective at the close of 20 December.
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