DASH is now eligible for addition to S&P500 following the company's recent positive earnings announcement. APP, DASH, COIN, and WSM are the top four candidates for addition at the March 2025 review
What is covered in the Full Insight:
Introduction to S&P 500 Additions
Transition Candidates Analysis
Migration Candidates Analysis
Potential Deletions from S&P 500
Corporate Actions Impacting S&P 500
Boomeranged on Sun, 9 Mar 2025 15:56
Announced additions: DASH, WSM , EXE, TKO. 2/3 of top addition picks materialized. EXE, TKO I believe were added by force due to a large number of low mcap constituents which had to migrate to SmallCap so replacements were needed. I estimate APP’s omission to be due to a tech sector imbalance in the index. Announced Deletions: FMC, CE , BWA, TFX. 3/3 of top deletion picks materialized.
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