
Morito Co Ltd

Morito (9837 Jp) - 2Q Follow-Up

87 Views03 Sep 2024 03:53
  • 1H FY2024/11 Earnings result summary MORITO (hereafter, the Company) posted consolidated net sales of ¥23,749 mn (-1.7% YoY), operating profit of ¥1,483 mn (+13.7% YoY), ordinary profit of ¥1,565 mn (+7.3% YoY), net profit of ¥1,393 mn (+6.5% YoY), which showed a decrease in revenue and an increase in profit.
  • The Company achieved record high 1H operating profit and ordinary profit for the third consecutive year.
  • For FY2024/11, the Company forecasts net sales of ¥51.0 bn (+5.1% YoY), operating profit of ¥2.6 bn (+5.5% YoY), ordinary profit of ¥2.8 bn (+1.0% YoY), and net profit of ¥2.3 bn (+3.7% YoY).

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  • Morito (9837 Jp) - 2Q Follow-Up
    03 Sep 2024