
Celltrion Inc

Celltrion Group Merger Announcement in July & Oversold Post Disappointing Exclusion by OptumRX?

659 Views28 Jun 2023 04:13
We discuss the potential merger announcement of Celltrion Inc, Celltrion Healthcare, and Celltrion Pharm this summer along with a buying opportunity post a sharp sell-off yesterday.
Boomeranged on Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:49
All three Celltrion Group companies' share prices rallied strongly yesterday after Chairman Seo of Celltrion mentioned a decision on the merger can be made as early as the middle of next month. At this point, it appears highly likely that Celltrion will announce a merger of the three companies in the next several weeks and the completion of the merger is likely to completed by the end of 2023.
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