
Last Week in Event SPACE: WorleyParsons, UNIZO, Adani Gas, ERM, Dah Chong, Toshiba, China Everbright

394 Views20 Oct 2019 09:00

Last Week in Event SPACE ...

  • WorleyParsons Ltd (WOR AU) petitions FIRB to decide whether Dar Group is abusing the creeper rule.
  • The Unizo Holdings (3258 JP) saga is like the Energizer Bunny. It keeps going. On. And On.
  • The deal/transaction between Total Sa (FP FP) and Adani Gas Ltd (ADGAS IN) is emblematic of a new opening up in the energy space. It portends the possibility of more such deals.
  • Perpetual sticks its hat out, asking Shell to bump its Offer for Erm Power Ltd (EPW AU).
  • A roadside retailer of suits for older salarymen buying an erratic brand of fashion bags doesn’t sound like a recipe for success, but there is a glimmer of potential in the recent announcement that Konaka Co Ltd (7494 JP) is taking a 31.3% stake in Samantha Thavasa Japan (7829 JP).
  • PRC auto dealer Dah Chong Hong (1828 HK) is in the cross-hairs from controlling shareholder CITIC.
  • Toshiba Corp (6502 JP)'s issue in buybacks, in the end, is not about cash. The company can take on debt to generate more cash. The issue is Distributable Capital Surplus. It doesn't have a huge amount left. That means the next stock catalyst has to be restructuring.
  • Are China Everbright (165 HK)'s recent gains riding on the coattails of a proposed listing of the mothership?
  • Plus, other events, CCASS movements (including IPO lockups) and Mood Spins.

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events - or SPACE - in the past week)


WorleyParsons Ltd (WOR AU) (Mkt Cap: $4.8bn; Liquidity: $17.7mn)

On the 14 November 2016, Dar Group made an indicative proposal to acquire all of the shares in WOR at A$11.80/share. WOR viewed the "highly conditional" Offer as materially undervaluing the company and that it was not in the best interests of shareholders. On 1 March 2017, Dar Group acquired 13.45% in WOR with a right to increase its overall economic exposure to 19.9% in the near term, which it achieved on the 27 November. Taking advantage of the "creep" exception, Dar Group reached 22.89% on the 31 July 2018. WOR announced the acquisition of Jacobs Engineering Group (JEC US) in Oct 2018 to be funded via an A$2.9bn non-renounceable entitlement offer and A$985mm of stock issued to Jacobs. Dar continues to creep and WOR has now taken its case to FIRB to contain further share acquisitions.

  • WOR is jumping the gun on FIRB. Dar has not made a full-blown takeover offer; yet WOR is pre-empting such a scenario by effectively asking whether FIRB would approve of Dar ultimately taking control in WOR - or at least, having a management role in the direction of the company.
  • I would buy here. WOR is not overly cheap relative to domestic peers but is not overly expensive relative to global peers. You have a large active buyer - one that has made an indicative offer previously - in a company whose management does not want to relinquish control or enter into corporate agreements.
  • FIRB may well restrict Dar from a full-takeover - the concept of information, such as intellectual property, as opposed to assets, is still something FIRB will go after - but FIRB is unlikely to block Dar buying on market on account of national security concerns.

(link to my insight: WorleyParsons Gets That Creeping Feeling)

Unizo Holdings (3258 JP) (Mkt Cap: $1.6bn; Liquidity: $25mn)

Blackstone has made public its intentions. It has pre-empted the rest of Elliott's questions and may launch a new bid at ¥5,000/share but it want's UNIZO's "consent." This new bid appears to be the same as the old one, and probably the same as had been re-proposed 7 October and re-rejected 10 October by UNIZO management and board. UNIZO does not have to give consent, in which case, Blackstone will "consider all options." This could draw out a competing bid from Fortress, which has extended its offer to the 1 November, and can, under Japanese law, extend all the way until the deadline. This could also draw out a competing bid from someone else.

  • Travis Lundy thinks there is a non-negligible likelihood that UNIZO will reject Blackstone. If they do not and Blackstone launches, there is a non-negligible possibility UNIZO will try to throw other sand in the gears and Blackstone's bid might not get to two-thirds.
  • He also thinks there is no way an Acquirer will agree to UNIZO's terms if they include employee control over acquirer exit (price, timing, method), demand an employee stake financed by the assets just purchased, or if UNIZO requires that employees have veto right over directors. Travis would be surprised they have not been told that by their bankers/advisers/regulators.
  • From ¥4950 higher, a trade is about someone else coming in to fight and UNIZO capitulating to everyone. I don't see that happening smoothly. Elliott sent a letter to UNIZO warning that it must act with duty of caution and faithfulness to all shareholders, and warns if it does not, Elliott will take any and all measures available to it. Elliott strongly urges the company seriously consider the Blackstone proposal which clearly protects and rewards employees.

(link to Travis' insight Blackstone To Bid for UNIZO - Still Not A "Done Deal")

Adani Gas Ltd (ADGAS IN) (Mkt Cap: $2.3bn; Liquidity: $1.5mn)

Total Sa (FP FP) and Adani Gas made an announcement (Total, Adani Gas) that they had expanded their partnership to create India's premier gas utility/distribution company. As part of that increased partnership agreement, Total announced a Sale and Purchase Agreement with the intent to acquire 411,331,740 (37.4%) shares of Adani Gas in total at Rs. 149.63/share. Given Total's intent to acquire and exercise control (with the Existing Promoter Group) of Adani Gas pursuant to the SPA and the Shareholder Agreement, and that Total's stake will increase by more than 25% of the Voting Share Capital, this creates an obligation to conduct a Mandatory Open Offer.

  • Total therefore also announced an Open Offer to buy up to 277,146,602 shares (25.2%) of Adani Gas at the same price. To the extent that the public does not sell its shares into the Open Offer, Adani Gas promoters will sell shares to get Total to a 37.4% stake in aggregate - a similar % to the Promoters - after the transactions are completed. The Offer is not likely to start for a couple of months, but given the entire float is 25.2% and the Open Offer size is 25.2%, there is functionally a put option at Rs. 149.63 for the next couple of months.
  • As Brian Freitas writes, this is not a deal designed to see Total bump the price. It is specifically designed to transfer 37.4% from the Adanis to Total.
  • Those "institutional" holders will either tender, or will not. Either way, it will not affect you much if you tender what you have. However, IF you are long because you want to own the back end, and they tender, you could find yourself facing the prospect of a very large offering which has to be done to keep the stock listed. If all of the float tenders, what happens then? Either the new owners of 100% - the Adani Promoters and Total - decide to have the Adanis sell down 25% in an Offer for Sale sometime in the next year, OR, they decide to take it private.
  • In spirit, this deal vaguely reminds Travis of what happened with the Lee family and Cheil Industries several years ago. The stock was listed/spun out, pushed up, merged with something a lot cheaper (i.e. sold expensively) and then the shares fell for a long time, but the promoters got what they wanted out of it. And those who were not promoters did not.
  • As an arb, Travis would look to buy the shares at a discount to terms on any weakness (below about INR 147) and to tender in. As a long-only investor, if you own shares, you own something illiquid and structurally way more expensive than its peers or potential peers. If you were long, he would sell here unless you wanted to own the option of a squeeze higher for people looking at the back end. There IS a possibility of a squeeze higher because there is a put option here.

links to:
Travis' insight: TOTAL to Take a Stake in Adani Gas
Brian Freitas' insight: Adani Gas - Don't Bet on a Total Bump

Erm Power Ltd (EPW AU) (Mkt Cap: $400mn; Liquidity: $1mn)

On the 22 August, ERM entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed (SID) with Shell Energy Australia under which Shell proposed to acquire 100% of ERM at A$2.465/share (including a full-year A$0.045 dividend). ERM directors unanimously recommended that shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme. ERM's major shareholder (~27.39%) has confirmed he also intends to vote in favour of the Scheme. Since the SID, Perpetual has increased its stake to 8.89%, up from 6.63%, with the highest price paid of A$2.43/share - on an ex-dividend basis. 8.89% is not enough to block the Scheme, but it does raise the bar on this deal getting up and will give Shell some pause.

  • Perpetual's average in-price prior to the SID was A$1.43/share, and its overall in-price after recent buying is A$1.67. The Scheme consideration, including the full-year dividend was 72% and 48% above both these figures. One would have thought that was a pretty sound investment with a view to exit.
  • Turnouts for recent Aussie scheme meetings have been lackluster - 65% voted at the Ruralco Holdings (RHL AU) Scheme and 53% at Kidman Resources (KDR AU)'s. Turnouts for ERM's AGM have similarly been apathetic at ~55% and 67% in 2017 and 2018 respectively. Netting off Perpetual's stake at the 2018 AGM - assuming it voted - would indicate if all shareholders present at that time voted for the Scheme, and Perpetual voted against, you would get to ~87% approval.
  • What would sway Perpetual, already sitting on a ~50% gain? A 10% bump would cost Shell Australia~US$40mn. A chunk of change but manageable for a company backed by Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN), and is still a cheap takeout multiple relative to peers and precedent transactions. I wouldn't rule out a kiss here for Shell to get a lock on the Scheme vote.

(link to my insight Perpetual Angles For A Bump In ERM Power)

Netmarble Corporation (251270 KS) (Mkt Cap: $6.4bn; Liquidity: $15mn)

Numerous Korean media reports mentioned that the Woongjin Group will likely pick Netmarble to be the preferred bidder to acquire a 25.08% stake in Woongjin Coway for ₩1.83tn.

  • According to Douglas Kim, at the core of what's wrong behind Netmarble's attempt to acquire Woongjin Coway is that a game business has virtually no synergies with a home appliance business that provides air/water purifiers. If Netmarble succeeds in acquiring Woongjin Coway, this will likely have a major negative impact on the long-term prospects of Netmarble's game business because so much of the company's capital will be allocated to acquiring Woongjin Coway and Netmarble will be less financially secure in continuing to make significant investments in its core game business.
  • This announcement today is likely to put strong negative pressure on Netmarble shares and slightly positive pressure on Woongjin Coway shares in the next few weeks. He suggested being short Netmarble and long Woongjin Coway on this arb trade. Netmarble closed down 3% on the week versus +6% for Coway.

(link to Douglas' insight: Korea M&A Spotlight: Netmarble to Acquire Woongjin Coway? The Long-Short Trade)

Dah Chong Hong (1828 HK) (Mkt Cap: $650mn; Liquidity: $1mn)

After mysteriously gaining 16% in the past month on higher than average daily volume (US$1mn/day against US$0.5mn/day for the preceding 12 months), PRC BMW-distributor DCH is now suspended "pending the issue of an announcement of inside information relating to a possible privatization proposal".

  • Auto dealerships are facing long term challenges including evolving customer preferences, increasingly sophisticated competition, and potentially disruptive technologies. As the industry focused on price cuts to clear up the inventory of vehicles to meet the China V Emission Standard, the inventory index dropped to 50.4% in June, the lowest level in recent years. Luxury automobiles achieved a double-digit growth in the first half of the year, yet competition within this segment remains fierce, notably for BMW brands.
  • Back in December 2015, China Grand Automotive Services (600297 CH) made a partial Offer for (75%) for Grand Baoxin Auto (1293 HK) at $5.99/share, or a PER (LTM) of 22.7x. CGA was trading at 29.7x. The only other major transaction for premier motor dealerships in China in recent years was Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP) acquiring a 20% stake in Zhongsheng Group (881 HK) for US$731mn at an estimated 30x trailing PER.
  • Should CITIC table an Offer, this will likely be in the form of a Scheme. DCH is incorporated in Hong Kong, therefore, there is no headcount test. FY18 earnings were the recent high watermark, with shares trading above $4, up to a high of $4.49. Forecast earnings are not expected to match or exceed those earnings until FY21E. Recent Offers by SOE - assuming CITIC make an Offer - have been pitched at ~40-50% premium to last close, or a potential Offer Price of $3.77-$4.04. This premium may be tempered by the recent price increase.

(link to my insight: BMW-Distributor Dah Chong To Be Privatised?)

Samantha Thavasa Japan (7829 JP) (Mkt Cap: $80mn; Liquidity: $2mn)

Konaka Co Ltd (7494 JP)'s purchase of the 31.3% stake in Thavasa was triggered by the retirement of Kazumasa Terada, the founder and CEO of Samantha Thavasa in April. At that time, Kensuke Konaka, the CEO of the suits retailer, had made the deal to acquire half of Terada's 62.6% stake in Samantha Thavasa – the two CEOs had known each other for 10 years and Terada had sought Konaka's advice on numerous occasions.

  • With Konaka now the leading shareholder alongside Terada, there is an opportunity to rebuild the bag and accessories retailer but whether Konaka is the company that can make this happen is another question. Known as much for its celebrity ties as its products, Thavasa has seen a downturn in its fortunes in recent years, prompting the resignation of the 53-year old founder and former CEO.
  • The biggest issue for Thavasa is whether it can adapt to an era when celebrities have much less impact than social influencers via social media. For a company that relied entirely on celebrities for its appeal, this is fundamental. Burnedesrose's success in using social media suggests Thavasa could make the shift.
  • The remaining question is whether there is any benefit for Konaka. While the suits retailer is struggling, as much as its competitors, with the contraction in the suits market and the retirement of their core customers, its Difference chain shows its determination to revive its fortunes and Thavasa could help given its skills in marketing and fashion cycles.

(link to Michael Causton 's insight: Suits and Handbags: Konaka and Samantha Thavasa Tie the Knot)

Dalian Port (Pda) Co Ltd H (2880 HK) (Mkt Cap: $2.9bn; Liquidity: $1mn)

The Composite Document for China Merchants Group Limited's (CMG) Offer for Dalian Port has now been dispatched. The Closing Date of the Offer is the 28 October. This is a forced Offer via a restructuring. It is not the intention of CMG to delist Dalian Port.

  • It is possible the 25% free float is breached; however, CMG has made it clear it will "take appropriate steps to ensure that sufficient public float exists in the H Shares following the close of the H Share Offer". In addition, CMG "does not intend to exercise any right or power which may be available to it to compulsorily acquire any H Shares outstanding and not acquired under the H Share Offer after the close of the H Share Offer". Tendering since the Offer was open for acceptances - upon the issuance of the Circular - is estimated at 1.09%.
  • Dalian Port is trading in line with listed Hong Kong ports on a P/B metric, but is more expensive on trailing PER and EV/EBITDA multiples. You have a hard floor at $1.0127 for the next week or so. There are expectations of further group restructuring as the three ports are integrated. Dalian Ports also reported solid 2019 interim results; therefore, shares may not decline significantly (if at all) once the Offer closes. Regardless, the sentiment remains downbeat as the ongoing trade dispute exacts a less receptive business environment on port operators.

(link to my insight Dalian Ports' Unconditional MGO)

Robinson Public Company (ROBINS TB) / Central Retail (192323Z TB)

Unless you work in a giant fund, chances are you won't get allocations for the super-sized IPO of the decade like CRC. Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA's plan is to invest in ROBINS and then swap them for CRC shares during the IPO. This trade is not without its risk. The tender offer may simply fail, ROBINS stays listed, albeit with much lower liquidity. CRC might go back and improve the swap ratio. The tender goes through, and most of the returns come from the IPO rather than the swap itself.

  • Neither the IPO price nor the swap ratio is out yet on this strange deal, and the timeline hasn't been announced. Ideally, they might aim to do this before the end of the year, but this deal has been delayed so many times. This will be one of the biggest IPOs of the decade. They don't need to make way for others. Perhaps the IPO comes through in January (since markets are usually up in Jan), and the next big one, PTTOR, can go through in May.

(link to Athaporn's insight: Reality Check XXII: How Might the Central-Robinson Trade Pan Out?)


CEL has reversed its one-year underperformance relative to the HSI and major investment Everbright Sec, gaining 21% in the past month on 3x the average volume in the preceding 12-months. I see the discount at 55% compared to a one-year average of ~50%.

  • Interim results came out on the 29 August, wherein profit declined to HK$1.28bn from HK$1.9bn, primarily due to higher unrealised gains on financial assets in the 1H18. Operating income for the period was up 18% yoy to HK$1.35bn.
  • The reason for the recent outperformance? There is nothing obvious. A recent Reuters article discussed the potential listing of China Everbright Group next year (in Hong Kong), in a move to restructure its business interests. SOE China Everbright is CEL's largest (& controlling) shareholder with 49%. A potential IPO of the mothership may help refocus investors on various holdings of the group, such as CEL.
  • I think CEL has more to run here as it closes in on its one-year average. CEL guides an internal fair value per share of HK$35 - 35% higher than my book NAV - which mainly factors in the value of the fund management fees.

(link to my insight StubWorld: China Everbright Bounces Off Lows But Still Cheap)


Toshiba Corp (6502 JP) (Mkt Cap: $15.8bn; Liquidity: $76mn)

Toshiba announced a Shareholder Returns policy in May 2018 to buy back ¥700bn of shares. That buyback is ending (Nov 8th). There is unlikely enough capital to be able to do another buyback near-term, no matter what hedge funds putting out big decks say. The ongoing "understanding" by investors about the cash position created by the sale of TMC last summer is wrong. There was cash. Read Mio Kato, CFA's piece from last month called Toshiba: Approaching the End of the Buyback and the End of Net Cash, especially the part about the net cash position and the comparison to peers.

  • At the October 1 meeting, external directors seem to have pointed to a very strong attention to the idea of capital management and returns, and getting rid of businesses which did not meet the hurdles. This kind of talk from external directors is a really, VERY helpful development for shareholders. The talk about using leverage to improve capital returns will likely be taken well.
  • Travis is still long Toshiba Tec (6588 JP) and Toshiba Plant Systems & Services (1983 JP) on expectation of bringing Toshiba Plant in-house through a merger, and getting better EV out of Toshiba Tec - whether that means bringing it in, or selling it. Because both companies have both net cash and good equity, a scrip merger paying a premium would probably work. Toshiba would get more cash, and if merged then split out, would give Toshiba more capital to distribute.
  • The lack of buyback could end up being significant. As of Q2 earnings on November 13th, Toshiba will have bought about 24% of the ADV every day for almost a year. Losing that cushion means little leeway. If you are long Toshiba because of better capital allocation, Travis recommends getting out into strength. If you are long Toshiba because you expect growth, he would pay close attention to what the business heads say on the 14th about where they realistically think they can get margins to go.

(link to Travis' insight Toshiba Buyback Ending: The Next Catalyst Is Restructuring)

Samsung Electronics (005930 KS) (Mkt Cap: $280bn; Liquidity: $380mn)

The KRX has a 30% cap rule such that no single stock is allowed to surpass 30% of the total index market cap in KOSPI 200. Samsung just touched 30%. KOSPI 200 rebalances twice a year: June and December. The constituent change takes place only in June. However, some changes such as index market cap weight can take place in the December rebalancing as well. Therefore the 30% cap is to be imposed at the upcoming rebalancing this December if the weight of Samsung remains above 30%.

(link to Sanghyun Park's insight Samsung Elec 30% Cap in KOSPI 200? What to Be Expected?)

The Japan Market (lots of liquidity)

The TOPIX 2019 Free Float Weight Rebalance announcement was made on the 7th of October and the moves in the basket so far are limited. It is still a near-$20bn trade for month-end so investors should be aware of what is moving. There may be portfolio rebalance opportunities for your stocks trading on a LOC basis on the event day.

  • The big-caps big-dollars inclusion trade has done well. The high ADV trade has done better. Travis expects the high ADV trade to continue to do well through the end of October, but is a low-liquidity low-dollar-value trade.
  • There is significant (relative) opportunity to gain liquidity to buy or sell at month-end (30 October) if you want to buy or sell the illiquid names.
  • Travis - as per his previous two pieces suggested - is still slightly bullish Z Holdings (4689 JP) for this event.


Nordex SE (NDX1 GR) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $11mn)

On October 8th, 2019, Acciona SA (ANA SM) communicated to the market that it will subscribe to 9.7mn new shares in Nordex at EUR10.21/share or EUR99mn in total. This would lift its holdings to 38.6mn shares, or 36.27%, up from 29.9%, triggering an unconditional Offer for all remaining shares at the three-month VWAP or EUR10.32/share.

  • The offer represents a 1.7% premium to last close and 3% premium to the three months average closing price. The average closing share price of the five days period since the bid announcement has been EUR 11.04 per share. The market reaction seems to anticipate a sweetened offer by Acciona to Nordex shareholders.
  • Placing Nordex on the average 2020E EV/EBITDA in line with European industry peers backs out a possible fair value of EUR14.26/share, or ~28% upside at the time of Jesus Rodriguez Aguilar's insight. Nordex shares traded at that level last Spring. Jesus' recommendation is to be long Nordex.

(link to Jesus' insight: Nordex (NDX1 GR): Winds of Change)

Sophos (SOPH LN) (Mkt Cap: (Mkt Cap: $3.6bn; Liquidity: $22mn)

In his first published insight on Smartkarma, Quiddity team-member Janaghan Jeyakumar, CFA (who will write on events, especially M&A) writes that on the 14th October US PE firm Thoma Bravo, which specialises in "buy-and-build" (buy a company, than make it a lot bigger through add-on acquisitions) investing over the last 40yrs, announced an agreed deal to buy out cyber-security firm Sophos to go with the $9.5bn of other cyber-security firms they have purchased in the last three-plus years.

  • The deal is friendly and Thoma Bravo has secured irrevocable commitments from the two co-founders and other insiders and directors, making up 27.2% of the shares out.
  • The deal launched at premia of 37%, 40%, and 55% to the undisturbed price, 3-month VWAP, and 1-year VWAP respectively, is at US$7.40/share less any potential special dividend, and now offers a 1.5% spread at current price, for a deal expected to close late in Q1 2020.
  • Janaghan sees no serious anti-trust threats to the deal, and tech and support synergies with its existing portfolio may justify the higher-than-average multiple paid.

link to Janaghan's insight: Thoma Bravo Scoops Up Sophos

Briefly ...

Patryk Basiewicz dives into Cellnex Telecom Sau (CLNX SM)'s EUR2.2bn/£2bn acquisition of Arqiva's c.7400 tower sites and Cellnex's accompanying rights issue with a dilution of c. 22.5% and proceeds of EUR2.5bn; and concludes Celnex is not expensive relative to peers. (link to Patryk's insight: Cellnex (CLNX SM): Fundamental Briefing for Those Trading the Current Rights Issue)


Bangkok Bank Public (BBL TB) / Kasikornbank PCL (KBANK TB)

BBL was trading at the highest price ratio relative to KBANK over the last two years. Brian Freitas looked at the fundamentals, price charts, passive flows, and flows into NVDRs to figure out whether this is the start of a breakout for BBL relative to KBANK, or if a reversal is on hand. He recommended going short BBL and long KBANK with a 6% absolute return target. Which is what transpired, wherein Brian recommended taking profits on half the position and waiting for an overshoot on the lower side to cover the remaining position and then reversing the trade.



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions. These may be indicative of share pledges. Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings.

Often these moves can easily be explained - the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, lock-up expiry, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.


% chg


Out of

Comtec Solar Systems (712 HK) 11.07%JPMChaoshang
hmvoid (8103 HK)16.17%DBSatinu
Kasen International Holdings (496 HK) 37.45%CCBHuarong
Source: HKEx

The following large movement(s) concern recently listed companies, and therefore are (likely) lock-up related.


% chg


Out of

Languang Justbon Services (2606 HK) 16.47%Std ChartOutside CCASS
Byleasing Holdings Ltd (8525 HK) 14.08%China IndOutside CCASS
Accel (1283 HK)11.12%AFGOutside CCASS
Source: HKEx
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