
Hurricane Energy - Lancaster EPS on track and on budget

60 Views10 Apr 2018 22:38

Management’s concept selection and contracting strategy appears to deliver the desired result, with Hurricane reiterating that the Lancaster EPS remains on time and on budget and first-oil scheduled for H119. Market focus is likely to remain on installation items during the 2018 weather window and then to technical data established once production has stabilised. These data are likely to significantly increase our understanding of Greater Lancaster Area (GLA) resource recovery potential and value. Our last published valuation stands at RENAV 78.4p/share, including a Lancaster EPS-only valuation of 32.7p/share based on a long-term (2022) oil price assumption of $70/bbl Brent. We expect little change to our valuation, but will revise our financial forecasts shortly to reflect capex phasing and a change in reporting currency from £ to US$.

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