
Avant Corp

Avant Group Corporation (TSE:3836)

134 Views02 May 2024 09:10
  • Avant was founded in 1997 by the current CEO Tetsuji Morikawa and is a Japanese holding company of financial and non-financial software which have the collective goal of assisting its clientele to increase corporate value.
  • This includes ‘Diva’ as Japan’s foremost (43% market share) consolidated accounting software and board meetings platform in addition to ‘Avant’, a management system for corporate value enhancement through consolidation of information (Avant Cruise) , charting (Avant Chart) , and corporate value enhancement (Avant Compass).
  • Lastly, there is ‘Zeal’ which includes several non-financial platforms that help organise and integrate (with Avant Cruise) from external sources. And interestingly, Avant also owns and operates Internet Disclosure Co, which runs Kaijinet, a site I have frequently visited over the years.
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  • Avant Group Corporation (TSE:3836)
    02 May 2024