
Asahi Intecc

Asahi Intecc (7747 JP): Stellar Performance in FY22 Likely to Accelerate in FY23

181 Views31 Oct 2022 18:19
  • Asahi Intecc (7747 JP) reported better-than-expected FY22 results, driven by overseas sales primarily in Europe and China mainly due to market recovery and a weaker yen versus other major currencies.
  • Asahi has raised FY23 revenue guidance to ¥89.3 billion (+15% y/y) from ¥83.5 billion earlier. However, with weakening yen, another beat is on card.
  • Although Asahi shares have strong upside potential, continued hospital staff shortages in the U.S. and COVID-related restrictions in China are the main downside risks.
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