Dollar Index

Dollar Index (DXY CURNCY)

United States
The U.S. Dollar Index(USDX) indicates the general int'l value of the USD. The USDX does this by averaging the exchange rates between the USD and major world currencies. The ICE US computes this by using the rates supplied by some 500 banks. FOR REAL TIME SEE EIS ICEA<GO>.
27 Aug 2018 13:29

Week Ahead in Global Macro: US Consumption, DXY Pain Trade, EZ Confidence, China PMI, Turkey Reopens

Our guide to this week’s global macro risk events and trading opportunities.  This week in trade ideas: Stay convicted in short Italy versus...

13 Aug 2018 07:32

Degrees of TRY Contagion

Our EM FX domino call is unfolding and seeing USD bull energy rolling into Asian FX in a sequence that flashed red flags in early 2018 and more...

06 Aug 2018 13:20

CNY Game Changing Pivot

Given the USD/CNH rise is moving into extended territory, some key pivot support levels are worth monitoring that would induce an exodus from this...

bullishDollar Index
16 Jul 2018 14:23

TRY Fuel for USD Strength in Asia

The following webcast outlined our USD bull positioning and rally targets into a USD peak cycle with a focus on Turkish Lira fresh weakness adding...

11 Jul 2018 20:21

USD/TRY to Trigger Next Wave of USD Strength into a USD Peak and EM Cycle Low

USD strength is pushing into the late stages of the immediate up leg where we see a cycle inflection or capitulation in EM and Asian FX in late...
