Amazon.com Inc

Amazon.com Inc (AMZN US)

Information TechnologyUnited States
Amazon.com, Inc. is an online retailer that offers a wide range of products. The Company's products include books, music, videotapes, computers, electronics, home and garden, and numerous other products. Amazon offers personalized shopping services, Web-based credit card payment, and direct shipping to customers.
01 May 2017 04:50

Yahoo Japan - Knee Jerk Reaction to Results Looks All Wrong

One of the switcheroos of 21st Century investing is that it is US investors that are now willing to back companies, which forgo short-term...

28 Apr 2017 09:15

Interview Series: Jim Tompkins and Michael Zakkour of Tompkins International

Euromonitor International is pleased to present an interview with Jim Tompkins, CEO, and Michael Zakkour, VP China/APAC Practice, of Tompkins...

20 Apr 2017 22:19

Silicon Stories #7: Saving Private Optimus

In this review, we look at the possibilities of military robotics in future conflicts on the back of Syria and North Korea. There are three reasons...

bullishSato Holdings
20 Apr 2017 06:41

Japan Moves Towards RFID Scanning at Checkout

It is over a decade since the IBM RFID shopping advert came out (still well worth a watch at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGuXOuQOe18) and this...

14 Apr 2017 04:28

Yahoo Japan - Delivery Service Primer

Yahoo Japan Corp (4689 JP) is one of our focus stocks for 2017 - as well as being attractive in its own right, it is also a way to play the...
