The Shin Kong-Taishin merger requires only the FSC (and Exchange) approval now, and it would appear the only real stumbling blocks would be FSC approval of the Employee Settlement Plans. I like SKFHC.
What is covered in the Full Insight:
Introduction to Shin Kong and Taishin Merger
Recent Developments and Regulatory Approvals
Employee Settlement Plans and Union Challenges
Arbitrage and Relative Value Trades
Conclusions and Investment Implications
Boomeranged on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 06:26
The FSC is considering the merger case for Shin Kong and Taishin according to local press reports. The timing of the articles suggest approval within the next 3-6 weeks though some articles from a couple of weeks ago talked about July-August. I think that a bit long, but I know the FSC will take the time it needs. The spread is a little wider. I still think Shin Kong cheap vs Taishin peers.
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