The Shin Kong-Taishin merger comes to a shareholder vote on 9 October. There is/will be a HUGE Proxy Fight. It's going on now. ISS recommends (strangely). Discounts are wide. Probably too wide.
What is covered in the Full Insight:
Introduction to the Taishin-Shin Kong Deal
Background of the Merger
Issues with Shin Kong's Approval
Objections from Major Shareholders
Shareholder Vote Considerations
Boomeranged on Sun, 6 Oct 2024 12:45
Shin Kong & Taishin EGMs are Weds 9 Oct. Both firms are offering gifts to attend. Worth watching CTBC meeting 11 Oct too. Proxy solicitation attorneys hard at work. 16 for the FOR camp at Shin Kong, 13 for the opposition (Paul LIN, Eugene WU, etc). Each solicitor can only do 3% of votes which is why so many. ISS and GL both support. Apparently CalSTRS and AP2 voted FOR. I expect it passes.
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