
WuXi AppTec

Latest Impact of the US Biosecure Act on WuXi AppTec/WuXi Bio/WuXi XDC - China CXO Really Game Over?

Xinyao has highlighted this Insight as a Top Pick
1.2k Views05 Feb 2024 08:45
Based on the latest update in the Bill, it's still uncertain to see a positive turnaround.Sino-US friction in CXO will continue.But if the final Bill is less stringent than expected, rebound will come
Boomeranged on Mon, 4 Mar 2024 11:33
Rally of WuXi AppTec/its subsidiaries is due to the news that Biden's order could reduce pressure on Democrats to support legislation targeting China CXO. Gallagher is planning to focus legislation on companies that provide genomic sequencing services, not CXO. However, there's a hearing on Proposal S.3558 in Senate on Mar.6. It's recommended to remain vigilant until situation is completely clear
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