
Last Week in Event SPACE: Shimachu, Cathay, Nexon/Familymart, KWG Living, Tata Consultancy, Sun Art

359 Views25 Oct 2020 07:13

Last Week in Event SPACE ...

  • Plus, other events, CCASS movements and Mood Spins.

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classifications, and Events - or SPACE - in the past week)


Shimachu Co Ltd (8184 JP) (Mkt Cap: $1.7bn; Liquidity: $19mn)

The Nikkei just released an article suggesting that home decoration and home accessory giant Nitori Holdings (9843 JP) is considering making a rival bid for homecenter and furnishing retailer Shimachu, which is currently under offer from homecenter industry #2 Dcm Holdings (3050 JP). This throws the cat in amongst the pigeons. In DCM Does a Full Takeover of Shimachu - Looks Like a Strong Price; Look Again, Travis Lundy argued the price offered by DCM was not as full as it could be.

  • ¥4200/share is light given the capital structure of Shimachu. Shimachu at ¥4200 is ¥160bn and small change. Shimachu has that amount in store property which could be sold and leased back. This could be done 50% higher without too much trouble as long as the buyer were savvy enough on the real estate. There is a LOT of room to see this price raised (more than i expected when i suggested the "right price" was probably ¥5000-5500/share in my last insight.
  • Nitori is a good buyer - Travis expects the potential synergies are good, and this would help Nitori start to compete better against Cainz. If anything, this deal looks better for Shimachu than joining with DCM would.
  • A buyer who paid ¥4800/share would be buying Shimachu with a real estate sale and leaseback at 1x EV/EBITDA (in addition to the ¥160+bn in property assets, Shimachu has ¥15bn in net cash (1.25x EBITDA). Every 1x EBITDA increase in multiple would be an extra ¥300/share on stock price. ¥6000 would be about 5x EBITDA. Nitori trades at 15x EBITDA. Done right, PE would have no problem paying that price and making a very nice IRR over a couple of years. Travis would not want to sell a position he had into speculation at ¥5000. He expects someone can overbid that price too.

(link to Travis' insight: Nitori To Make a Rival Bid for Shimachu? More Fun To Go)

Cardinal Resources Ltd (CDV CN) (Mkt Cap: $0.4bn; Liquidity: $2mn)

After 6 weeks of radio silence, Nordgold has matched Shandong Gold Mining Co., Ltd. (1787 HK) A$1.00/share for the Aussie gold miner. The question is - does Nordgold's improved Offer constitute a higher competing offer? Shandong says yes. Nordgold says no. One of these statements is wrong. Personally, Nordgold's statement makes more sense. This could head to the Takeover's Panel for a ruling on "Competing offer".

  • The fact Nordgold matched Shandong's offer and is quibbling over takeover semantics indicates the Offer price of $1.00 is full. Still, Nordgold's matching Offer is an astute move - it is now back in Shandong's court whether to bump or not, providing Nordgold the luxury of matching, or exceeding a revised Offer, or simply tendering - and not have to take the lead in making bid increments.
  • Cardinal is currently trading A$0.02/share through Shandong/Nordgold's Offers, on the expectation Nordgold/Shandong reloads. My IRR calcs indicate there may be more upside from here. If you are already in, then continue to ride out the end game of this competitive bidding situation. Otherwise, buy a spread or two above terms on the expectation one of the competing players reloads.
  • UPDATE 1: Cardinal announced that shareholders holding 19.38% of shares out intend to accept Shandong's unconditional off-market Offer by 30 October - provided there no superior proposal emerges, or Shandong extends its Offer (currently expected to close on the 30 October, unless extended).
  • UPDATE 2: Nordgold has now lodged an application with the Takeovers Panel concerning “the clear and unambiguous interpretation” of Shandong’s Last and Final Statement.

(link to my insight: Cardinal Resources: Nordgold's "Competing Offer")

FamilyMart Co Ltd (8028 JP) (Mkt Cap: $11.1bn; Liquidity: $37mn)

Familymart held its Extraordinary General Meeting to vote to squeeze out the 35% of minorities after Itochu bought about 15% in its Tender Offer in August. The measures passed. This triggers a TSE Designation of Security to be Delisted and we got that announcement today. The last trading day for FamilyMart will be 11 November. Delisting will be the 12th. The Effective Date of the acquisition of shares will be the 16th. Investors will get their money weeks after that. This triggers a TOPIX (and JPX Nikkei 400) exclusion occurring on the fourth business day after the designation, and that means a selldown on the 27th at the close. FTSE announced their treatment on 14 Sep. MSCI may do the same but I do not have the data.

  • Nexon (3659 JP) is Familymart's replacement in the Nikkei 225. This was somewhat unexpected for most. With a 25-yen deemed par value, there should be roughly 56-62mm shares to buy. The buying has to be done in 4 days. This is a foreshortened inclusion event. Buying 56-62mm shares is basically 1.7-1.9x the maximum prior "4-day volume impulse", and on those prior volume impulse events, there was a lot of day-trading. This event requires those 56-62mm shares to change hands. If there is day-trading, volume will be higher.
  • There were greater expectations for Square Enix Holdings (9684 JP) and Kakaku.com Inc (2371 JP) both of which have seen excess volume trade. The other names which were speculated upon have less, though my eyeballing suggests there is still a little excess volume built up in Lawson Inc (2651 JP). Travis expects these two names could come off somewhat, and he'd be more inclined to think the larger relative excess is built up in Kakaku.com.
  • If you are long and want to get out, you have to watch the tape. Travis expects that it may be difficult to get all the volume in before the inclusion. If you are long and want to get out, think NOW about what price at which you'd be ecstatic to get out, and get involved in the market if it gets to that price. The stock was at ¥2800+ in early August before Q2 results. It could easily get there again. If you'd be really happy to get out at ¥3000-3300, be prepared. It might get there.

Toshiba Corp (6502 JP) (Mkt Cap: $12.4bn; Liquidity: $58mn)

Toshiba popped after it was announced that SK Hynix would be purchasing Intel’s NAND flash and SSD businesses (but not its 3D XPoint business) for $9bn. The market is interpreting this move as consolidation which will support margins and raise Kioxia’s value. Mio Kato believes this is wrong and that the correct interpretation is:

  • The move highlights that Kioxia’s attempted IPO failed because multiples were too high and underlines weak valuations for NAND businesses.
  • A key competitor just got stronger and will be more aggressive in an area where Kioxia was hoping to expand share. It may also be able to better supply Chinese smartphone manufacturers using Intel’s Dalian fab.
  • Oftentimes the key number for oligopoly pricing is three players, not four. This is true for DRAM where there are three main players but for NAND there will still be four (or five if you count Kioxia and WDC separately). This is a sell not a buy.

Sun Art Retail (6808 HK) (Mkt Cap: $10.4bn; Liquidity: $22mn)

Hypermarket operator Sun Art announced Alibaba Group (9988 HK) has entered into a SPA with the Mulliez family, the completion of which will give Alibaba's direct/indirect control of 71.98% into Sun Art from 31.13% currently, triggering an Unconditional Mandatory General Offer. The MGO price will be $8.10/share, a 2.14% premium to last close. Any dividend paid or declared will reduce the offer Price. The SPA has limited conditions. This is a super clean Offer. Factoring in a potential delay in the issuance of the Composite Document, payment under the offer is expected before Xmas.

  • From an arb point of view, there is nothing to do here, as shares trade well through terms. Alibaba asserting control of the hypermarket chain is a positive thing. Sun Art also appears inexpensive versus domestic peers; however, its 2-year EPS CAGR is below peers.

(links to my insight: Sun Art (6808 HK): Alibaba Takes Control)

Nippon Building Fund (8951 JP) (Mkt Cap: $7.6bn; Liquidity: $38mn)

Japan's largest Office REIT NBF announced a ¥140bn (~US$1.3bn) follow-on equity offering on 9th October 2020 and Janaghan Jeyakumar provided a brief introduction to the background of the REIT and its offerings history in Nippon Building Fund (8951 JP) REIT Offering: Take It. As mentioned in that insight, the pricing date was expected to be between 20th and 22nd of October 2020 (pricing is normally on the first day in the pricing period). NBF has now announced the Issue Price to be ¥527,240/unit, which translates to a 2.00% discount to the closing price of ¥538,000. This can be considered a standard discount that we typically see in most J-REIT follow-on equity offerings (2.00%-2.50%). HOWEVER, NBF's Unit Price has declined steeply in recent weeks resulting in a sharp drop from the undisturbed level.

  • NBF's previous offerings have historically performed well against peers and the Index in the weeks and months following the placement. On a TSEREIT Index-adjusted basis, over a period of 90 days from the pricing date, the average return has been +6.5% with all previous seven offerings ending positively when compared against the Issue Price.
  • CAVEAT: The sector outlook for Office REITs remains bearish. The social distancing measures introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has encouraged the "work-from-home" and the future demand for large/premium office spaces remains a large question mark.
  • Janaghan recommended that investors Buy the Offering. If you did not, or you want to add more, the historical pattern of NBF secondary offerings and peer-relative performance suggests buy on any weakness vs today's closing price. While there is ongoing suspicion about the nature of office work in future, buying NBF vs other Office REITs looks like a good idea here.

(link to Janaghan's insight: NBF (8951 JP) REIT Offering: Pricing Announced. Wide Discount to Undisturbed)

Tata Consultancy Svcs (TCS IN) (Mkt Cap: $136bn; Liquidity: $171mn)

On the 4th of October, Tata Consultancy made an announcement to the Exchange to the effect that its Board would on the 7th of October consider a buyback. On the 7th, the Board announced that it had approved a proposal to buy back up to 53,333,333 shares for an aggregative amount of INR 16,000 crore or INR 160 billion (US$2.18bn), which is 1.42% of shares out. It looks small, but there have been two previous buybacks which were worth looking at when they came around. They were 1.99% and 2.85% and were done at similar premia. The structure of these buybacks was different than the structure of the Wipro Ltd (WPRO IN) buybacks discussed in How Indian Buyback Offers Work - The Wipro Example. That first insight is worth a read to know how they work.

  • This is another Buyback Offer - like Wipro. But it's not like Wipro. This one is much more interesting for arbitrageurs. It is likely to be a true partial tender offer with an expected pro-ration well in excess of the statutory minimum of just under 5% and the headline pro-ration of ~1.2% for institutional investors. Travis expects a proration in the 20-60+% range. This creates a skew. One is long 100% of the upside and one suffers less on the downside (20-60% less) in near-space.
  • If you are long Tata Consultancy Services shares and want to remain long, consider buying extra shares here and tendering if the shares do not move, and enjoying the excess profitability if they go up between now and mid-January 2021.
  • If you are long on a passive basis, consider replacing some of your cash position (assuming you run cash at 97% of the portfolio and futures for 3% to keep cash on hand) with a position in TCS because that position will earn a minimum pro-ration. If the stock goes up, that is a high-quality problem. If it goes down, absolute are minimum pro-ration is likely to be about 4.5-5.0% and is more likely to be 20-60%. If the stock is at or near the Offer Price when the Offer Period is nearing its end, sell all your shares in the market if you can rather than take pro-ration risk.

(link to Travis' insight: Tata Consultancy Share Buyback Offer - The Numbers Are Interesting)

Straits Trading (STRTR SP) (Mkt Cap: $0.5bn; Liquidity: <$1mn)

Back on the 14 August 2020, Straits Trading announced its 1H20 results, which showed a 62.9/87.5% decline yoy in EBITDA and EPS, due in part to lower average tin prices and lower sales quantity of refined tin; and the knock on-effects from COVID-19 to its hospitality operations. Tin prices are up 38% since the March low and 10% since 30 June. There are signs of life in the hospitality front, with talk of bubble travel between countries, which may indicate operational losses have troughed. But of more interest is STR's 22.06% stake in ARA Asset Management. STR added 1.1% in May of this year. There is talk of IPO'ing ARA, some four years after it was taken private.

  • STR's stake in ARA, based on its recent stake increase, is worth around the same as its current market cap - indicating the market is assigning almost zero value for the remaining real estate, hospitality segment, and the 54.8% stake in Malaysia Smelting Corp (SMELT MK), and stake in Suntec REIT (SUN SP).
  • Illiquid, depressed pricing, with a potential major catalyst in the pipeline, this appears ripe for Tecity to take the company private.
  • Update: Straits will issue at par S$200mn worth of notes maturing on Oct 29, 2025. The notes will be issued under Straits S$500mn multicurrency debt issuance programme.

(link to my insight: Straits Trading - Ripe For Privatisation)

Sanyo Chemical Industries (4471 JP) (Mkt Cap: $1bn; Liquidity: $2mn)

That was the story in May 2019 when Nippon Shokubai (4114 JP) and Sanyo Chem agreed to pursue management integration. There was a hiccup as Nippon Shokubai had to lower forecasts less than a quarter later, but by the end of November 2019, the two companies had found a share exchange ratio which seemed to me to be favourable to Nippon Shokubai compared to Sanyo Chemical. Then Nippon Shokubai lowered its forecasts to March 2020 a second time just two months after setting the ratio. That apparently upset the Sanyo Chem CEO somewhat, as discussed in SanyoChem/NipponShokubai - Merger Redo in April 2020 when the two companies decided to delay their integration plans from October 2020 to April 2021 to review the ratio. Now the two companies announced they would not go ahead with their business integration plans.

  • The deal is broken. Sanyo Chem apparently pushed to cancel a deal which did not get them an appropriate ratio given how badly Nippon Shokubai was doing. Sanyo Chem fell more than Nippon Shokubai on the first day after the announcement as ratio speculators unwound their positions. This was a good time to get in and buy more Sanyo Chem vs Shokubai. It is a cheaper asset with similar or better growth, and better quality growth - more diversification and more interesting things vs SAP for diapers which is where Shokubai is placing its bets (the rest of its business is less interesting generally).
  • Sanyo Chem has no analyst coverage to speak of where as the larger Shokubai does, and Silchester International holds a large stake in Shokubai which they have increased since the deal was first announced. Silchester tends to have patience, and the willingness to be noisy, but it is not clear to me what activism they could push.
  • Sanyo Chem has cross-holders who are willing to see their stake reduced (evidenced by the merger) but Travis expects they may have had some input in SanyoChem CEO Ando's position defending SanyoChem shareholder interests. Travis would rather own the cheaper, higher margin, more stable business where the CEO supports shareholder economic interests than the one which has more earnings volatility, and is more expensive, and has laid its chips down in a fight against Korean and Chinese competitors.

(link to Travis' insight: SanyoChem/Shokubai Deal Cancelled - The Trick Is NOT to Look Inside the Diaper)

Powerleader Science & Technology Group (8236 HK) (Mkt Cap: $0.1bn; Liquidity: <$1mn)

Cloud computing solutions provider Powerleader has announced a delisting Offer by way of a merger by absorption from Speed Top. The consideration price for the H-shares is $3.92/share, a 14.6% premium to last close. The price will not be increased. Speed Top & concert parties control 42.05% of the company via domestic shares. There are 60.75mn H shares out - all can vote. As Powerleader is PRC-incorporated, this delisting proposal is by way of a merger by absorption, which involves a Scheme-like vote from disinterested shareholders - both H-shares and domestic shares. There is no tendering acceptance condition attached to this delisting.

  • Despite the Offer's low premium to last close, Speed Top is probably betting there will be little to no push back from H shareholders. At the AGM held on the 29 June this year, no single H shareholder, be they present or via proxy, attended. The same occurred at the AGM last year.
  • This is a relatively clean deal, although not a particularly inspiring one. Timing is the only unknown. The Long Stop date is the 3 June 2021, but this should be completed well before. Play the wide spread here. Assuming payment mid-Feb, this is trading at a gross/annualised spread of 13.6%/51.6%. This is not a particularly liquid arb deal, which probably accounts for the wide spread.

(link to my insight: Powerleader (8236 HK): Small Deal, Trading Wide)

Hitachi Construction Machinery (6305 JP) (Mkt Cap: $6.2bn; Liquidity: $28mn)

Just as the lunch session started, the Nikkei came out with an article stating that Hitachi "will sell" a part (up to half) its 51% stake in HCM; the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan and others are looking at buying a stake; the sale may be done at a discount; a passing mention of the effort to sell Hitachi Metals (5486 JP) as well. The stock fell like a rock - down 15% or more in high volume. Hitachi Metals fell 6%. A denial from the JIC (the parent of the INCJ) did not lead to a bounce in HCM shares. Earnings are out next week. The article could be a leak to prepare the market for a capital transaction in which it has no part in and cannot affect.

  • Travis would not trade either subsidiary (HCM or HM) name until after earnings. This is not bad for Hitachi. Hitachi is cheap here and will look even cheaper if it can de-consolidate Hitachi Construction Machinery.
  • Mio had expected HCM to be bought out and clearly, the market had too. He wonders if this is an indication that HCM itself wished to remain listed. Given the timing of the Nikkei article and HCM’s upcoming earnings on the 27th (Hitachi reports on the 28th) the likelihood is that the offering could be announced at that time.

links to:
Travis' insight:
[Nikkei] Hitachi May Sell Down HCM Stake
Mio's insight: HCM – Hitachi’s Stake Sale Surprises

In Vedanta Limited - Caught in Economic Purgatory but Governance Hell?, Travis compares Vedanta Ltd (VEDL IN) to a hellish trip; but current value of the VEDL stub is as low as it has been in many years, and Travis continues to recommend VEDL as there is significant value there. But it would certainly be helpful if shareholders were more stewardship-oriented. Sometimes that requires making your opinion known publicly.

After a small, disgruntled caused a last minute hiccup, the Takeovers Panel gave a "no objection" statement to the Metlifecare Ltd (MET NZ) Scheme, shortly followed by the High Court issuing final orders. The judgment makes for concise, informative reading, should a situation such as this arise in the future. To note, the "aggrieved" shareholder bought shares after the Scheme was announced, and voiced objections only after the Scheme vote passed. Link to my insight: Metlifecare: Scheme Sanctioned. Potential Bad Precedent Averted


Kwg Property Holding (1813 HK) / KWG Living Group (3913 HK)

1H20 results indicate property management services remain in a strong growth phase. Property management services operate under an asset-light model, have a tendency to be more defensive, and are less subject to policy risk than for property developers. KWGL's growth is no less exceptional to peers, plus it benefits from one of the highest gross and net margins in the industry.

  • Yet KWGL's IPO pricing is punchy. Even at the low-end of the IPO price range, and assuming steady margins and best in class EPS CAGR for 20E-FY21E, its PER exceeds all industry peers, and is only (just) exceeded by Country Garden Services Holdings (6098 HK), a company 8x the market cap of KWGL, with 14x+ the GFA under management.
  • I'm not a buyer of KWGL - there is a large selection of less-expensive, quality management service companies to choose from, many with greater exposure to third-party property developers. There are significantly high earnings hurdles to be achieved to justify KWGL's IPO price.
  • As a standalone property developer after in-specie'ing its entire stake in KWKL, KWG Group trades at P/B discount to peers, but that discount was wider prior to announcing the KWGL spin-off'. Of greater significance, KWG trades at a large premium to the implied P/B for property developers, net of their management services investment holding. KWG Group looks expensive and I recommend shorting the stock here against a basket of larger-cap property developers, or selectively against say A-Living Services (3319 HK). The pushback - KWG has a very decent dividend yield.


Cathay Pacific Airways (293 HK) (Mkt Cap: $4.7bn; Liquidity: $9mn)

Earlier this week, the embattled airline announced 8,300 job cuts and closed its Cathay Dragon brand. This restructuring will cost HK$2.2bn, to be funded internally. Cathay is still running at a HK$1.5-HK$2bn/monthly loss. This restructuring is expected to save HK$500mn/month once fully implemented in 2021. Of the HK$27.3bn (HK$19.5bn from the prefs + HK$7.8bn from the bridging loan) from the Hong Kong government in the June recapitalisation (Cathay Pacific: A Bonfire For Money), the prefs proceeds will have been exhausted by year-end. Cash from the prefs - and the bridging loan - quickly turns to debt as you burn through it.

  • The average industry cut has been ~20-30% of staff, therefore Cathay's 24% is bang in the middle. Qantas Airways (QAN AU) made a 30% cut and Singapore Airlines (SIA SP) 20%. Given what is expected to be a pedestrian (at best) pace of recovery, it may take until 2024, according to a recent estimate by the International Air Transport Association, for international airline travel to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • With the airline expected to be operating at 50% of capacity in 2021, and perhaps just 25% in 2021, staff cuts could have been more aggressive. But the possible implementation of "bubble" travel with 11 countries was probably held back deeper cuts. On a P/B basis, Cathay is cheap to peers. But it's a brave soul to go all-in at this stage.

(link to my insight: Cathay Pacific: Exit The Dragon)


Jesus Rodriguez Aguilar discussed the Valmet OYJ (VALMT FH) / Alfa Laval AB (ALFA SS) / Neles Oyj (NELES FH) transaction. Alfa has changed its acceptance condition to >50% from a two-third vote. It has an irrevocable from Cevian (10.88%). Valmet has bumped its stake to 29.54% from 14.88% and has also tabled an offer, the terms of which are not disclosed - and subsequently rejected. Valmet would need to propose a €11.5+/share offer to get Alfa on board. Alfa has board support at €11.5+/share. Link to Jesus' insight: Neles - Alfa Laval: Lowered Acceptance Threshold, Extended Period. Enter Valmet.

M&A - US

Avangrid Inc (AGR US), 81.5%-controlled by Iberdrola SA (IBE SM), has announced an agreement to acquire Pnm Resources (PNM US), a New Mexico and Texas power company. The $50.30/share cash offer backs outs an equity value of $4,317.5mn. Iberdrola has undertaken to provide Avangrid with "the funds that are necessary" for the price of the transaction. The offer price represents a 10% premium over PNM's price per share at the close of Tuesday 20 October and 19.3% premium to PNM Resources 30-day VWAP; 2.2x P/BV and 12.6x EV/Forward EBITDA vs. 10.9x for comparable companies. Looks a pretty clean deal and should trade close to terms. Link to Jesus' insight: PNM Resources - Iberdrola: Friendly Acquisition.


MSCI Japan Nov20 Index Rebalance Preview. The MSCI is scheduled to announce the results of the November 2020 Semi Annual Index Review on 10 November. The changes will be effective after the close of trading on 30 November. At the current time we see 4 potential inclusions in the index and 19 potential deletions in Japan. The impact on the inclusions is estimated at between 5-12 days of ADV, while the estimated impact on the exclusions is between 3-10 days of ADV. Link to Brian Freitas's insight: MSCI Japan Nov20 Index Rebalance Preview: Few Potential Adds, Loads of Potential Deletes.

MSCI Singapore Nov20 Index Rebalance Preview. At the current time, Brian sees Yangzijiang Shipbuilding (YZJSGD SP) and Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JCNC SP) as potential deletions from the Standard index with an estimated 8-10 days of ADV to sell from passive funds. Mapletree Industrial Trust (MINT SP) is very close to being included in the index - and it could be depending on price movements over the next week. Link to Brian's insight: MSCI Singapore Nov20 Index Rebalance Preview: Yangzijiang, JCNC Potential Deletions.

MSCI HK Nov20 Index Rebalance Preview. Brian sees 2 potential inclusions ESR Cayman (1821 HK) and Xinyi Glass Holdings (868 HK), and 3 potential deletions Kerry Properties (683 HK), Dairy Farm Intl Hldgs (DFI SP) and ASM Pacific Technology (522 HK). Link to Brian's insight: MSCI HK Nov20 Index Rebalance Preview: ESR Cayman, Xinyi Glass, Kerry Prop, Dairy Farm, ASM Pacific.

STAR50 Index. With a relatively large AUM benchmarked to a volatile index with volatile stocks, plus a lot of large listings coming through, there will be some interesting moves in stocks at the upcoming December rebalance. The index methodology specifies that there cannot be more than 5 inclusions and exclusions in a single review, and we will hit that number very easily. In the absence of the 5 name change limit, we would have had close to 12 inclusions and exclusions. With the 5 name changes, the one-way turnover will be in excess of 22%. Ant Financial (1051260D CH) could be included in the index at the December review. If it is not included in December, then its a sure inclusion in the March 2021 review. Link to Brian's insight: STAR50 Index - The December Rebalance Is Going to Be BIG

Nikkei 225 Index Rebalance. Nikkei announced that Nexon (3659 JP) would replace FamilyMart Co Ltd (8028 JP) in the Nikkei 225 (NKY INDEX) with effect from the open of trading on 29 October. Link to Brian's insight: Nikkei 225 Index Rebalance - Nexon Replaces FamilyMart.

SET has announced the changes to the SET50 Index where SCG Packaging (SCGP TB) has been added and Thanachart Capital (TCAP TB) has been deleted. The changes will need to be made at the close of trading on 27 October. Link to Brian's insight: SCG Packaging Listing & SET50 Inclusion.



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions. These may be indicative of share pledges. Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings.

Often these moves can easily be explained - the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, lock-up expiry, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.


% chg


Out of

Takbo (8436 HK)60.00%BoCEmperor
China Shengmu Organic Milk (1432 HK) 14.29%MSOutside CCASS
China Zhongdi Dairy (1492 HK) 12.11%HalcyonHaitong
Cogobuy Group (400 HK) 11.29%EFGABCI
China Tian Lun Gas (1600 HK) 17.62%CitiUBS
Grand Talent (8516 HK)12.10%Yuet SheungOutside CCASS
Source: HKEx

The following large movement(s) concern recently listed companies, and therefore are (likely) lock-up related.


% chg


Out of

Immunotech (978 HK)10.84%CCBOutside CCASS
Tailam (6193 HK)20.11%BoCOutside CCASS
Canggang (2169 HK)11.10%GuotaiOutside CCAS
Source: HKEx
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