
Last Week in Event SPACE: NTT Docomo, Evergrande Properties/Auto, Wilmar, Swire, Immunomedics

410 Views04 Oct 2020 07:28

Last Week in Event SPACE ...

  • By dint of the fact that NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) (9432 JP) owns 66.21% in NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP) to start with, the minimum hurdle is only 66.67%, and other corporate holders own more than enough to get it past the minimum hurdle, this big-ticket shock deal is "done" before it starts.
  • Rumours abound on a funding squeeze for Evergrande Real Estate Group (3333 HK). Evergrande has a LOT of short-term debt and short-term liabilities. Some may be able to be postponed, but not all. This past week the company apparently managed to get existing shareholder-lenders to sign on for another year of support to Hengda. But there is still pressure. Assets still need to be sold.
  • As Evergrande Auto (708 HK)'s Star Market listing inches closer, its trading valuations cannot be justified.
  • Wilmar International (WIL SP) can easily retest their recent high of S$4.86 back in August just prior to the ADM placement and EB issuance. Since that high, uncertainty re: YKH's IPO approval has been removed as has the IPO valuation uncertainty. Plus CPO prices are up and above pre-COVID levels.
  • Swire Pacific (A) (19 HK) is cheap on a look-through P/B of 0.2x. But the spectre of pumping more cash into Cathay Pacific Airways (293 HK) is a significant overhang.
  • Buy Immunomedics Inc (IMMU US) at 3.2% or wider. The limited conditionality attached to the Offer would indicate this may complete early. However, deals like this should trade wider than normal because of the very small chance of losing a very large amount of money in case of deal disruption of any kind.

  • Dcm Holdings (3050 JP) launches a full tender offer for Shimachu Co Ltd (8184 JP) instead of the partial offer mooted by NHK the week prior. This is a worthwhile consolidation and on a capital structure or asset base, it is getting done too cheap, despite being at a 45% premium to undisturbed and a 26-year high.
  • Plus, other events, CCASS movements and Mood Spins.

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classifications, and Events - or SPACE - in the past week)


NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP) (Mkt Cap: $119bn; Liquidity: $142mn)

After the Nikkei published articles that NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) (9432 JP) would soon launch a Tender Offer to buy out the minority shareholders of its mobile telephony subsidiary and largest mobile phone operator in Japan by subscriber count NTT Docomo, NTT announced it would conduct a Tender Offer to buy out minorities at ¥3900/share, which is a 40.5% premium to the undisturbed price. Given the ownership circumstances and the trading prices of other telecom stocks out there, this is a Very High Price Indeed. Is this deal fair? Yes, for NTT Docomo Shareholders. Not for NTT Shareholders.

  • The change in Management Team at DoCoMo - several changes at the top - is curious. This smacks of a situation where NTT got tired of waiting for NTT DoCoMo to act, and finally decided to buy them out. There were hints of that in the updated Asian Nikkei Review article published later in the morning (after Travis published).
  • The Trade: for Docomo, if this trades at terms or through terms because of short-covering, Travis Lundy would sell it. It may trade through terms as people who unwind their short position (against NTT?) try to cover quickly. They can probably wait, painfully, but wait.
  • For NTT. There are more than a few hints here that this was done to get NTT DoCoMo off its duff, to compete in the 2030s rather than the 2010s. The speed of movement to switch out management is striking. Dramatic, even. The fact they are paying so much tells you that see real money in getting this done. Paying an extra ¥500-800bn vs what they could have paid tells you they see lots of synergies. If you were a long-only investor, use funds getting out of NTT Docomo to buy into NTT as soon as you could get comfortable that there is something there.

Links to:
Travis insights: NTT Docomo SHOCKER - Nikkei Says Parent NTT To Buy Out Docomo Minorities & NTT Deal for DoCoMo - Not Going Gentle, Definitely Raging Against the Dying of the Light
Mio Kato's insights: NTT – Initial Thoughts Reading Through the Lines of the Shock News & NTT – NTT Is Going Big and Our Suspicions Are Aroused Further.

Evergrande Real Estate Group (3333 HK) (Mkt Cap: $33.2bn; Liquidity: $47mn)

A letter purportedly submitted by Evergrande to the Guangdong government asking for assistance lest its cash-crunch lead to much worse has been disavowed, and called a fake by the company. Various news reports have said since that denial that they have seen the letter. The letter lays out the problem of repaying RMB 130bn to investors if the company is not allowed to backdoor-list Hengda Real Estate before end-January 2021.

  • What's Real? The Hengda problem is real. And it is RMB 143.7bn. The letter may or may not be real, but the problems outlined in it appear real.
  • The pilot programme has been reported upon in both mainland and offshore media. Names have been named. Evergrande is one.
  • This means Evergrande needs to sell assets. It needs to sell a lot of them and do so in a hurry. It can sell property. But it actually has to sell a lot of property. It needs to sell a record amount just to lower its leverage ratios from near top in the industry. It may need to sell some subsidiary shares. It may also need to sell some inventory assets. And that ignores the possibility of having to repay RMB 144+bn of Hengda guarantees.
  • This is a sector-wide problem in general but it is an Evergrande problem specifically. This will serve to underscore off-balance sheet risks to developer balance sheets and will lead lenders to be more careful. The government is continuing to wield a decent-sized stick to lower speculation, but it is also clear that Evergrande is just a rentier on what is a much larger economic problem - China needs the FAI so it needs people to do the FAI. Evergrande is one of the biggies. However, if China needs to serve up an example in order to save the sector, it can certainly find ways to bring a speculator down to size.
  • When he wrote, Travis said he would remain short/underweight. Travis saw no reason why the stock can't test HK$10 again. If the bonds fell to the 50s, he would expect that to be a decent buy (the onshore bonds). China Evergrande is an avatar for over-indebtedness, but such avatars - like HNA - usually see the equity zeroed when they go bust, and someone somewhere takes a hit, but the public gets a large amount of its money back. Because creditors are protected.
  • At the end of trading for the foreshortened week, it was reported that Evergrande had come to terms with its investors in Hengda and earned itself some extra time. In the meantime, the equity traded up to the level it was prior to the 20 August meeting first becoming known. Travis notes that all the strictures put in place in the 20 August meeting are still in place for Evergrande. They still need to sell assets and reduce debt. Selling assets will allow them to lower debt but to get back to meet the Three Red Lines they need to pay down a LOT of debt.

(link to Travis' insight: Evergrande May Be Facing a Funding Squeeze)

Evergrande Auto (708 HK) (Mkt Cap: $22.6bn; Liquidity: $59mn)

In StubWorld: Evergrande Auto (708 HK) Tapping All & Sundry; ASM Pacific Going Private?, I discussed Evergrande Auto announcement of an intention to list on the "Star Market". A notice for the EGM has now been despatched. The EGM will be held on the 20 October. Pricing has yet to be determined for the listing, but the announcement states an intention to issue at not less than HK$25/share. Applying the timeline for a handful of precedent RMB issuances, Evergrande Auto's listing on the STAR board could potentially take place in late Jan/early Feb 2021.

  • Even with shares down 24% since announcing its RMB issuance, the Star Board listing of Evergrande Auto will unwaveringly go ahead. The premium afforded to the Star Board over the Hong Kong index defies description. I see a 260% premium looking at a handful of dual-listed companies. Shanghai Fudan Zhangjiang H (1349 HK)'s Star Market listing trades at a 577% premium to the HK line.
  • Evergrande Auto continues to trade at an EV/revenue of 38x. It may benefit from ongoing newsflow concerning the Sci-Tech Board placement. But this valuation is extraordinarily elevated, especially in a competitive market space. Tesla Motors (TSLA US) is "only" trading at ~15x EV/EBITDA.
  • The Trade: As Travis is bearish Evergrande (see above), he would not play the stub (which is trading at a P/B of 0.12x for CEG's property ops, net of all listed holdings), but would be simply short Evergande Auto. I'd second that idea.

Vedanta Ltd (VEDL IN) (Mkt Cap: $6.9bn; Liquidity: $31mn)

On 29 September, Vedanta provided an announcement to the Exchanges to the effect that the BSE and NSE had provided In-Principle Approval for the Delisting Offer on 28 September 2020. As per SEBI guidelines, the announcement of that was due today. This had been previewed in an article in the Economic Times yesterday, and shares touched a recent high at INR 140.00/share before closing at a recent high of INR 139+. Once the In-Principle Approval is received, the schedule gets quite tight. The announcement of the Delisting Offer in a newspaper was provided with the announcement and that sets things off.

  • VEDL's stock price should be higher. It should have been higher. VEDL has traded cheap to global peers partly because of "India Risk" and partly because of "Agarwal Risk" (risk of bad governance). On a fundamental basis, VEDL is not currently over-priced compared to its peers, local or global.
  • Because Mr. Agarwal is only required to buy the amount up to 90% now, and they can pay the rest later when people subscribe to the Final Exit Offer in a few months AND BECAUSE the ADS extant now will not be reflected in either the numerator or the denominator for the 90% measurement, they only need to buy 1.34129bn shares. This is crucial. At US$3.15bn raised and USDINR of 73.81 today, the maximum one could pay for those 1.34129bn shares to get to the "adjusted 90% ex-public ADS" is INR 173.3/share. That should be investors minimum target now. Travis notes that the escrow payment to accept the offer has to include cash and/or bank guarantees for the full 100%, but if VEDR gets to 90%, they should be able to get a bank guarantee for any top-up. One would expect the company has been working on this for months. This, however, remains speculative.
  • On a fundamental basis, Travis does not see a lot of downside warranted. The stock has not materially outperformed its peers on price, or underperformed its peers in earnings growth expectations. There is, however, significant risk that either the RBB or the Counter Offer fail.

Shimachu Co Ltd (8184 JP) (Mkt Cap US$1.5bn; Liquidity $10mm day (now)

  • A bit more than a week ago, NHK reported that Dcm Holdings (3050 JP) would buy a stake in Shimachu in order to take control. This was mooted to be a Tender Offer. Shares jumped from the high ¥2800s to the ¥3500+ area.
  • Travis wrote about the situation in DCM Partial Offer for Shimachu Coming? suggesting buying in that area was a decent idea as a partial would likely have to be in the ¥3700-4200 area because of the structure of the shareholder base.
  • On Friday 2 October after the close, DCM and Shimachu announced a deal whereby DCM would launch a Tender Offer commencing 5 October to take Shimachu private. Minimum hurdle is 50% but the goal is two-thirds and a squeezeout. The structure is still deemed to be difficult because of the significant presence of passive investors, though it looks like DCM's advisors have overestimated how much passive is in the register (to their benefit).
  • It looks like a great price. High multiple against peers, 26yr high price, 45% premium to undisturbed. But it is at 0.9x book, and a lower EV/EBITDA multiple than peers.
  • The price offered is probably too cheap by 20%. Shimachu is in a net cash position and owns ¥160+bn of assets which could be sold and leased back. If done, it would take care of the entire purchase price while leaving roughly 60% of the EBT. That's probably too cheap.
  • That said, Travis thinks this could be a tough deal to block given the relatively high "friendly" shareholder ownership.

(link to Travis' insight: DCM Does a Full Takeover of Shimachu - Looks Like a Strong Price. Look Again.)

Wilmar International (WIL SP) (Mkt Cap: $20.5bn; Liquidity: $46mn)

Back on the 12 July, Wilmar announced that the CSRC had accepted Yihai Kerry Arawana Holdings' (YKA) application for its proposed listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (ChiNext Board). I discussed this IPO in Wilmar: China Ops IPO One Step Closer. An indicative timetable has now been issued with an expected listing mid-October. The issue price will be RMB25.70/share, or a 31.12x YKA's FY19 recurring net profit. Wilmar mentions the average PER of listed companies peers (agricultural and food processing companies on the ChiNext) was 41.86x over the past month. I see the one year average of 36x.

  • Reception was overwhelmingly positive for YKH. The offline investor portion of RMB5.8bn was 600x over-subscribed. The online retail investor portion to raise RMB3.9bn was ~1,750x over-subscribed.
  • Wilmar appears inexpensive here. I think shares in YKA will surprise on the upside. From that list of 47 peers cited on the ChiNext, only three of the 47 have a market cap >RMB100bn and 9 above RMB33bn (US$5bn). Only one (Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development (000895 CH)) has a market cap larger than YKH's indicative value. Their average trailing PER is 59x for these larger cap peers (>US5bn). Based on the current implied market cap, I see Wilmar's implied PER for the unlisted ops (the rump) at ~3x.

(link to my insight: Wilmar: YKA's Pricing & Cheap Rump Stake)

In Zhongdi Dairy (1492 HK): Possible MGO from Yili, I discussed the SSA between the Zhang Group and Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group (A) (600887 CH), such that Yili holds 43.75% in China Zhongdi Dairy (1492 HK), triggering an MGO. The MGO will be HK$1.132/share (an 11% premium to last close). The price will not be increased. The SSA is primarily subject to independent shareholder approval and China's SAMR. The MGO is subject to a 50% (of all shares out) acceptance condition. Despite the meagre headline Offer premium to last close, Zhongdi shares are up 129% YTD. Apart from timing associated with regulatory approvals, this looks a done deal.

In Toshiba – Kioxia’s Postponed IPO Is NOT About US-China Tensions and That Means More Downside Risk, Mio discusses reports that Kioxia would be postponing its much-anticipated IPO due to US-China tensions. He questions whether postponing the IPO further will lead to greater returns down the road. He feels there is downside risk for Toshiba.

In Celltrion Merger Announcement: Details, Questionable Aspects, & Trading Dynamics, Sanghyun Park discusses Celltrion's three-way merger plan.

In Lee Myung-Hee Gives Big Stakes of Emart and Shinsegae to Her Son & Daughter, Douglas Kim discusses the family change of shares in E Mart Inc (139480 KS) and Shinsegae (004170 KS).


Swire Pacific (A) (19 HK) / Swire Properties (1972 HK)

Swire Pac's discount to NAV of 50% is around its all-time low. The implied stub, stripping out its 82% holding in Swire Prop, is at its lowest level since Properties was listed in Jan 2012. At 0.2x P/B, Swire Pac is cheap. However, the expectation it will maintain its vested interest in Cathay Pacific Airways (293 HK) via taking up its rights, places a big black mark over the company.

  • Swire Pac pumped in HK$5.3bn for its share of Cathay's rights. It's 45% stake is now worth HK$15.8bn, down from HK$20.4bn at the beginning of the year. Before factoring in the rights take-up.

  • CEO Augustus Tang mentioned the rescue package should see them through to 2022. Yet the pref shares are expensive - and they are not equity. Only $11.7bn of the rescue package was in equity, most of which disappeared in the first half, with the rest likely depleted as of writing. It will need more funding for the forward delivery of aircraft - and probably needs half the rescue package again on top of that.
  • A break-up of this old trading house is needed, and the sale of Cathay appears a key move for Swire Pac to rationalise its operations. Foreign interest would be apparent, but Air China is the obvious suitor. Whether the SOE-backed airline wants to be saddled with Cathay's ballooning current (72% of the EV is debt, and at a higher interest on account of the prefs) and forward debt, is not known. I would avoid both Cathay and Swire Pac.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Swire's All-Time Low Stub, But ... )

M&A - US

Immunomedics Inc (IMMU US) (Mkt Cap: $20bn; Liquidity: $286mn)

On the 13 September, Gilead Sciences (GILD US) announced it had entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which Gilead will acquire Immunomedics for $88.00/share in cash, a 108% premium to last close, in a US$20bn deal. The tender offer is not subject to any financing condition with ~US$15bn of the funding from existing cash and ~US$6bn in newly issued debt. Conditions to the tender offer are limited - valid tendering of 50% + one share, no MACs, and the waiting period applicable to the Offer under the HSR Act having expired or been terminated.

  • The close of the tender is expected in 4Q20, subject to regulatory approval and other customary closing conditions. Immunomedics' board unanimously supports the Offer. Provided the Offer completes, a second-stage merger will be undertaken, which will dispense with the requirement for consent from Immunomedics shareholders. Immunomedics will cease to be listed once the merger is consummated.
  • No appraisal rights are available to the holders of shares in connection with the Offer. However, if the Offer is successful and the Merger is consummated, then yes, such dissenting shareholders can apply for such rights in accordance with Section 262 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.
  • Oncology treatments are keenly sought out by the larger players in the market. According to various media reports, Gilead was not the only company running a ruler over Immunomedics. Apparently, one other suitor offered mid-to-high $60s/share before Gilead came over the top.
  • Risks to the deal? Nothing of note. The HSR Act filing appears a formality. The 50% acceptance threshold should be easily met - all shareholders are well into the money. Gross/annualised spread (at the time of my insight) of 3.2%/13.4%, assuming payment December year-end. This appears a deal which could complete earlier.

links to:
my insight: Gilead/Immunomedics: Bosom Buddies
Shifara Samsudeen's insight: more: Gilead: Will Immunomedics Be Gilead’s Next Pharmasset?
Robert Sassoon's insight: MergerTalk: Gilead Sciences Takeover Of Immunomedics -Still Something In It For The Arbitrageurs

In Sogou/​Tencent: And That's A Wrap, I discussed Sogou Inc (SOGO US) entering into a definitive agreement for a Going-Private Transaction at the same Offer price of US$9/share. Separately, Sohu.com Inc (SOHU US) has entered into a share purchase agreement with Tencent concerning its stake in Sogou, the completion of which will result in Tencent holding not less than 90% of the voting power in Sogou. Therefore the Merger will be in the form of a short-form merger as per section 233(7) of the Companies Law of the Cayman Islands - there is no vote. There are no dissenting rights. Done deal - the Merger is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2020.

In SINA Corp: Offer Firmed. Price Sweetened, Sina Corp (Class A) (SINA US) announced it had entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger with New Wave pursuant to which New Wave (a company controlled by its chairman/CEO Charles Chao) will acquire all of the outstanding ordinary shares not owned at US$43.30/share (an 18.1% premium to the undisturbed price, and a5.6% bump to the prior non-binding proposal). This still appears a highly opportunistic Offer. Optically, the Offer is pitched at around the level shares rolled over in May 2019, shortly after releasing its 1Q19 results. But Chao/New Wave controls ~61% of the voting power, and the merger requires two-thirds approval.


Rolls-Royce Holdings (RR/ LN) (Mkt Cap: $2.9bn; Liquidity: $42mn)
Rolls Royce announced a rights offering. It's a biggie. It makes no bones about what it is. The total Restructuring Package has several aspects to it and the rights offering is only part of it. The FCF loss of £4bn in 2020 is expected to be offset, over time, with £2bn of rights and £2bn of disposals. The following diagram helps explains:
  • This Rights Offering is super-dilutive. That gives arbitrageurs limited room to act. With ten new Rights for every 3 shares held/outstanding, even if arbs could borrow every single share in the market, that would cover only 30% of the new rights. Borrow will be nowhere near that plentiful. Not everyone will want to increase their exposure in Rolls Royce by 80+%. Some of those people will sell now. Some will sell the rights when they receive them. Either way, it means selling pressure.
  • For long term investors, sell now. If you really like the stock, Travis expects you will have a chance to buy at a lower net price than the current TERP if you do so. he'd buy back near the end of the rights trading period. There will be selling pressure between now and then, and particularly after the ex-date. For short-term investors, Travis'd be inclined to be short now. If you really liked the stock as a long, Travis would wait to buy.

(link to Travis' insight: Rolls Royce Rights Roll Right Over You)

In Ahlstrom-Munksjo (AM1 FH): Tender Offer Trading Tight - Will There Be Bumpitrage?, Janaghan Jeyakumar discusses Ahlstrom-Munksjo (AM1 FH) agreeing to be acquired by a consortium of investors consisting of Bain Capital and current top shareholders Ahlström Capital, and Viknum AB and Belgrano Inversiones. Following the completion of the Transaction, Bain Capital is expected to indirectly own 55% while Ahlström Capital and Viknum will hold 36% and 9% respectively. The transaction is structured as a Tender Offer and the Offer Price will be EUR18.10 per share in cash (37.1% premium). Minimum Acceptance Condition requires that the Acquirer gains control of more than 90%. This requires an acceptance rate of at least ~85% (i.e. 55%/65%) from shareholders outside the irrevocable undertakings. This is quite high. A bump in terms cannot be ruled out.


KLCI Index Rebalance Preview. Based on last market prices, Brian Freitas see Supermax Corp (SUCB MK) and Kossan Rubber Industries (KRI MK) being included in the index, and expect Genting Malaysia (GENM MK) and Genting Bhd (GENT MK) to be deleted. Brian's insight: KLCI Index Rebalance Preview: Getting the Glove Makers to Fit.

NTT Docomo replacement. Brian sees Murata Manufacturing (6981 JP), Renesas Electronics (6723 JP) and Sharp Corp (6753 JP) as the most likely candidates to replace NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP). There is a lower probability of ROHM Co Ltd (6963 JP) or Anritsu Corp (6754 JP) being included in the index. Brian's insight: Nikkei 225 Index Rebalance: Likely Candidates to Replace NTT Docomo.



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions. These may be indicative of share pledges. Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings.

Often these moves can easily be explained - the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, lock-up expiry, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.


% chg


Out of

K Group (8475 HK)42.44%QuaserOutside CCASS
Source: HKEx

The following large movement(s) concern recently listed companies, and therefore are (likely) lock-up related.


% chg


Out of

Zai Lab (9688 HK)65.22%CitiOutside CCASS
Baozun (9991 HK)1,003.18%JPMOutside CCASS
Source: HKEx
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