
Last Week in Event SPACE: Japan Post, Singapore Press, Siam Future, 51job, Kunlun, Shinsei Bank

307 Views30 Oct 2021 23:41

Last Week in Event SPACE ...

  • This is a serious bidder for Singapore Press Holdings (SPH SP). Ong Beng Seng saw lobang and brought in the others. Now one set of Temasek-backed companies just sabo'd another. This is kind of fun now. It bears watching.
  • Buy Siam Future Development (SF TB). Then buy some more, on the expectation of an imminent delisting Offer.
  • If SBI Holdings (8473 JP) gets to 48.0% of voting rights on the current cap structure, the TSE is likely to kick Shinsei Bank (8303 JP) out of TSE1 and/or TSE Prime.
  • Japan Post Holdings (6178 JP) is still a huge cleanup trade. 1.027bn shares. Then nothing else ever.
  • Be long or get long Kunlun Energy (135 HK) - and assume everyone is long to the gills.
  • Despite a low-balled Offer - and the prospects of dissension apparent - the deal for 51 Job Inc (JOBS US) still appears done. It was just a question of timing, once all the regulatory bodies have signed off.
  • Plus, other events, CCASS movements (flagging possible Offers and IPO lock-ups), and Mood Spins.

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classifications, and Events - or SPACE - in the past week)


Singapore Press Holdings (SPH SP) (Mkt Cap: $2.4bn; Liquidity: $10mn)

An entity called Cuscaden Peak Pte. Limited has showed up with an all-cash offer (Scheme of Arrangement) for SPH at S$2.10/share, which is just over the Total Combined Consideration (cash, SPH REIT (SPHREIT SP) units, Keppel REIT (KREIT SP) units) of S$2.086/unit as of yesterday's close. Cuscaden Peak's ownership is 40% Singapore-listed Hotel Properties Ltd (led by tycoon Ong Beng Seng), 30% Capitaland parent company (Temasek-backed), and 30% Mapletree Investments, an independently managed Temasek portfolio company. Right now this is a Proposed Acquisition. Additionally, SPH Units would be subject to a chain offer obligation. If this deal goes through, there is a put option on the price of SPH REIT which will last a while.

  • IF the S$2.10 bid is worth looking at for SPH, it means that cash consideration is deemed better than REITs. If it is not, then the tiny overbid is not enough. Travis Lundy thinks Keppel has room to bid up a bit more, and therefore I expect the Cuscaden team does too. This will be better known when the IFA comes out with the "fair value" of SPH units for the Keppel Scheme Meeting Circular which should be out shortly. If they say "buying Keppel at the Consideration is "fair and reasonable" because SPH is worth S$2.40/share, that means everyone could go a little higher.
  • But this is probably time-sensitive. If SPH does not engage at all, then Cuscaden has to up the price to force the issue, but once the Keppel Circular goes out, SPH may be stuck on its course (or may feel it is).
  • SPH shares closed at S$1.99. When they commence trading, if they commence trading at S$2.10, that will be very interesting. There may be some who have put the trade on and are short SPH REIT and Keppel REIT which would mean they are now possibly naked short those two REITs (when the REIT consideration basket still has the highest forward yield among a group of peers). Being short those REITs is not a great position. They might want to buy them back, which could push the Keppel Deal SPH Consideration higher in value. Stay long SPH now.

Siam Future Development (SF TB) (Mkt Cap: $0.7bn; Liquidity: $2mn)

On the 5 July 2021, Major Cineplex Group (MAJOR TB)'s board approved the entering of a MOU with Central Pattana Pub (CPN TB) in relation to its shares in shopping mall operator Siam Future, at a price of Bt12/share. An IFA was appointed to assess the sale and its opinion on the 19 July, concluded the "Transaction is reasonable with price and conditions that are fair". Am SPA was entered into on the 25 August with an expected completion on the 30 August, and CPN completed the purchase of shares in Siam Future on 30 August 2021, triggering a MGO. The Offer period was for 25 business days - and closed on the 18 October. The payment date was the 20 October. The IFA reckoned the Offer was fair. At the close of the Offer, CPN held 96.24%.

  • On page 57 (of Siam Future's Tender Offer doc's PDF), it states that "After the Tender Offer, the Offeror has an intention to delist the Business from being a listed company on the SET during the period of 12 months after the end of the Offer Period." With 96.24% held, a Delisting Offer from CPN is likely imminent. Such an Offer at the prior Tender Offer price provides 20% upside to the (then) current price.
  • There are specific rules as it relate voluntary delisting. From a small survey of delistings, the average time from the completion of the prior Tender Offer until the launch of a Delisting Tender Offer was 237 days. More importantly, the Delisting Offer price is more often than not the same as the initial Tender Offer price:

(link to my insight: Buy Siam Future Development (SF TB). Then Buy Some More)

Shinsei Bank (8303 JP) (Mkt Cap: $3.5bn; Liquidity: $25mn)

SBI Holdings (8473 JP)'s Tender Offer is the wrong price. The best way to get it bumped is to make sure the share price is higher than the Tender Offer Price. That is always the best way. Shinsei has pointed out good reasons why SBI's TOB is inadequate. SBI has thumbed its nose at Shinsei (and at current shareholders who agree with Shinsei). Shinsei says there is more value there because of excess capital and management forecasts. Over the medium-term, Shinsei at ¥2,000/share is NOT expensive. It is cheap.

  • Could There Be A Bump? Maybe. Maybe not. But if SBI gets to 40% and someone else is at 10%, that may not bother Kitao-san (head of SBI). He doesn't want to consolidate, or turn SBI into a Bank Holding Company (yet). And if he has 40% of voting rights and an activist held 10%, as long as they agreed, he'd control the Board. So an activist may not bother SBI at all. What might cause SBI to bump the price would be someone tendering for a large number of shares at a slightly higher price - someone who would not agree with SBI and instead sided with Shinsei. The OTHER possibility is that Shinsei itself creates interference - perhaps with a strategy which would bother SBI if implemented.
  • If SBI buys 58.2mm shares in the Tender to get to 48% of voting rights, Shinsei will no longer have the requisite 35% Tradable Shares ratio required to stay in TSE1 or TSE Prime/TOPIX. That would mean a long-term selldown of TOPIX-held shares from October 2022-2025. Or Shinsei might decide to sell down some of its Treasury Shares in a hurry to ensure that Shinsei was able to apply for continued presence in the TSE Prime market as of year-end. That would require a selldown of 18-20 million shares at a minimum. And to get it done in a hurry, it would require selling those shares just after the Tender Offer was "successful."
  • There is still a Game of Chicken for Shinsei to play here. If Shinsei were to conduct a higher-priced Tender Offer Buyback, that would obstruct SBI's Tender Offer, and the back end would look more interesting. The shares might rise in price. If Shinsei were to allow SBI's Tender to go through, then launch a sale of Treasury shares to dilute SBI back down, on the premise that Shinsei needed to stay in TSE Prime to adequately represent its interests to the world - effectively cancelling the last 12 months' buyback - that would cause the shares to fall in price. Owning borrow would be great. One could short tender into SBI's Tender Offer.

Ausnutria Dairy Corp (1717 HK) (Mkt Cap: $2.0bn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Ausnutria has announcedInner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group (A) (600887 CH) has entered into various SPAs with major shareholders CITIC, Center Laboratories (4123 TT), and CEO van der Meer with a collective ownership in Ausnutria of 30.89%. Concurrently, Ausnutria entered into a subscription agreement with Yili for 90mn new shares or 5.24% of issued shares (4.98% on a fully diluted basis). All told, should the agreements complete - and the SPA and subscription agreement are subject to various PRC regulatory approvals - Yili would hold 34.33% of shares out on a fully diluted basis, and would then be obligated to make an MGO. The SPA and subscription agreement are interconditional. Both should complete.

  • The MGO price is $10.06/share, a 13.67% premium to last close. The MGO is conditional on Yili and concert parties holding 50% of the voting rights. No irrevocables have been given to tender into the Offer. The MGO needs 15.67% of shares out to turn unconditional. ~24.27% won’t tender. Therefore ~37.8% of the remaining register needs to tender. Given the light premium, this MGO turning unconditional is by no means a certainty.

There have been numerous take-private transactions for listed-Aussie IT service companies in recent years, some of which have been discussed on Smartkarma. When Bulletproof (BPF AU), an IT play, was taken private in 2018, the independent expert cited 10 peers (page 28). Five of those peers have been taken private. Now we have a proposal for the sixth. Aussie Broadband Pty Ltd (ABB AU) has offered to acquire Brisbane-based telecommunications and IT solutions provider Over the Wire Holdings Ltd (OTW AU) by way of a Scheme at $5.75/share. This is an unsolicited and non-binding proposal. Via a process deed filed on 16 October, OTW said it has granted Aussie Broadband to undertake due diligence and negotiate transaction documentation. That process period ends on the 30 November. Link to my insight: Over The Wire (OTW AU): The Latest Aussie IT Play.

On the 12 August Golden Throat Holdings (6896 HK), a leading manufacturer of lozenges in China, announced an Offer from PE outfit Affirma, by way of a Scheme, at HK$2.80/share, a 55.6% premium to the undisturbed price. The Offer Price would not be increased. Both the Founder Group (61.33% of shares out) and Rollover Shareholders (12.57%) have given Affirma irrevocables, but all will need to abstain from voting at the Court Meeting. This Offer looked done and the gross spread has been gradually declining over time. The Scheme Document is now out. The Court Meeting will be held on the 30 November with expected payment on the 21 December, one week earlier than my initial forecast. The IFA considers the Offer to be fair and reasonable. Link to my insight: Golden Throat (6896 HK): Scheme Doc Out. Court Meeting On 30 November.

Australia's competition regulatory, the ACCC, has now commenced its review of APA Group (APA AU)'s bid for Ausnet Services (AST AU). In a similar vein to Brookfield requiring FIRB sign-off, this ACCC review was expected. The ACCC review is interesting for what it doesn't include, that being Brookfield is not subject to an ACCC review. APA will take comfort in the fact the ACCC did not oppose the CKI Consortium's tilt for APA in September 2018 - APA/CKI: ACCC Maybe, But FIRB Unlikely - although FIRB subsequently quashed the deal. The ACCC "considered that any competition between the electricity distribution/transmission assets and the gas assets was limited". In addition, the ACCC also did not oppose CKI's 2017 acquisition of DUET Group (DUE AU). Responses are requested by 12 November, with a provisional date for the ACCC's findings on the 3 February 2022, or around six weeks to analyse responses and reach a decision. Link to my insight: AusNet (AST AU): ACCC Commences Informal Review.


Japan Post Holdings (6178 JP) (Mkt Cap: $29.1bn; Liquidity: $135mn)

The Japan Post Offering is priced at Y820.6/share. The buyback has been confirmed to start from 1 November. Two weeks ago Travis wrote Japan Post Holdings - World's Largest Cleanup Trade Announced - Story and Index Implications and noted that this was likely to be the last equity offering that Japan Post Holdings would ever do. It was cheap, and it was a nice clean setup.

  • The discount to NAV of JPH is as low as it has been in many months. The listed components of that NAV are, on an equity-adjusted basis, the cheapest in the industry, and one has bought back a huge amount of equity this year. And is still on an equity-adjusted basis the cheapest stock in the industry. JPH now offers a near-6% dividend at an expected offering price.
  • Buy the offering. Hedge the purchase by buying more. Travis would not put on the holdco discount trade.

(link to Travis' insight: Japan Post Holdings Offering - Buy Weakness, Then Buy More)

Kunlun Energy (135 HK) (Mkt Cap: $7.9bn; Liquidity: $24mn)

Kunlun Energy is dramatically cheap to the Peers it finally resembles. It is a full-on city gas company with comparable earning level on a standalone basis. Travis expects the E&P business - despite the company selling some of it - is doing better this year than it has in years past. It will likely not be a drag this year.

  • Expect Kunlun to outperform expectations. It is already growing quickly and the earnings forecast for the years ahead does not seem to take into consideration the projects currently in the works.
  • And even if Kunlun does not outperform expectations, it is dramatically cheap vs Peers, and if it were to take on debt the way its peers does, and it were to buy in its minorities and take on debt by adding business, to get to a similar apples-to-apples capital structure, to get to the same PER as peers would require the stock triple.
  • Be long or get long Kunlun Energy. One can get long on an outright basis or vs Peers (at this point short CR Gas (1193 HK) and ENN Energy (2688 HK) vs Kunlun Energy.

(link to Travis' insight: Kunlun Energy - People Still Don't Get It So Gas It Up Some More)

Yuexiu Real Estate Investment Trust (405 HK) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $1mn)

Yuexiu REIT announced that they had agreed to buy Yuexiu Financial Tower by buying the equity interests in Guangzhou Construction & Development Holdings from its parent for nearly RMB 7.8bn. Financing will involve about HK$1bn of cash, a loan facility of RMB 3.828bn, and a Rights Issue of HK$3.919bn for 1,234,403,038 Rights Issue Units (37 for 100 shares) at HK$3.20/share. There will be an EGM in early December to approve the Rights Issue. Yue Xiu has undertaken to exercise all the rights allocated to it, and has fully underwritten the Rights Offering to other unitholders and there will be no excess application arrangements. This will make Yue Xiu the largest PRC property REIT in Hong Kong.

  • At this point, the Rights Offering is a take-it-or-leave-it proposition because the price closed today at HK$3.28/unit and the Rights Offering is at HK$3.20/unit. IF the shares fall further, there is some dilution, and some accretion, but if the shares fall further, there could be considerable shareholder discontent with Yuexiu gaining a substantial majority (going from 40.7% ownership to 60+% ownership) in the case that nobody subscribes to the new shares. For that, I expect it is possible that the Rights Issue Price changes.
  • IF the Rights Issue is blocked or the waiver is not granted (needs 75% of independent holders therefore ~45% of the ~60% non-Connected shares), Yuexiu REIT should rebound. IF the Rights Issue is NOT blocked and the waiver is granted, unitholders need not worry that much about dilution. This is, however, something akin to a takeover, and it is therefore somewhat distasteful.
  • The interesting problem later is that if Yuexiu tries to take it private, that would require 75% of minorities and not more than 10% dissenting, or if done the way other SOEs have done, it would require 90% of shares accept, including theirs. For that, a lowball offer could be blocked. Furthermore, if Yuexiu owned 60%, that would be an interesting starting point for them to own all of it, but one would not expect such an effort at 41%.

(link to Travis' insight: Yuexiu REIT Rights Offering - A Small Discount Rights Offering Becomes Shadow Takeover)

In Evergrande Bezzle Discovered - Quantum Kitty's Regenerative Capabilities Have Nuance and Timing, Travis revisits Evergrande (3333 HK) and believes the stock is likely to be worth nothing and believes the offshore bonds are likely to be worth less than par. The bonds at 20cts on the dollar may be worth more than 20cts, but he is not comfortable with that yet. It is not clear to him that whatever billions Hui Ka Yan can apply to the problem will go to Evergrande (3333 HK) first.


China Conch Venture Holdings (586 HK) / Anhui Conch Cement (600585 CH)

In China Conch Venture (586 HK): Waste Treatment Spin-Off, I discussed CCV's proposed spin-off and separate listing of Conch Environment Protection (CEEP), a company principally engaged in providing industrial solid and hazardous waste treatment in the PRC. The spin-off will be implemented by way of distribution in-specie - CCV will not retain any interest in CEEP. This is a listing by introduction - no IPO proceeds are involved. At the then-discount to NAV of 6.5%, I concluded the potential value for CEEP was already reflected. CCV now trades at a 6% premium.

  • CCV remains highly reliant on earnings from its holding in Anhui Conch, which accounted for 82.1% and 77.2% of net profit in FY20 and 1H21 respectively. The market is assigning HK$15.1bn (US$1.94bn) more to the stub ops in the last month. And that implied stub level this time last month was in line with the 12-month average.
  • The implied stub is currently at the highest level since CCV's listing in December 2013. The simple ratio is currently at a five-year high.

  • I'd be setting up a short CCV, long Anhui (the Hs, as they trade within 1% of the As) here. I think ~15% discount is a reasonable near-term target

(link to my insight: StubWorld: China Conch Venture (586 HK) Trading Rich)

M&A - US

51 Job Inc Adr (JOBS US) (Mkt Cap: $4.1bn; Liquidity: $24mn)

On the 21 June, nine months after IR solutions provider 51job first announced it had received a preliminary non-binding Proposal from DCP Capital Partners to acquire all of its shares for US$79.05/common share, 51job announced it had entered into a definitive privatisation agreement, also at US$79.05/share. What appeared to be the clincher for the deal was Recruit Holdings (6098 JP) - 51job's largest shareholder with 34.8% - joining the consortium, which also comprised DCP plus Ocean Link and CEO Rick Yan, both of whom joined following the non-binding proposal announced on the 4 May. All in, the continuing shareholders and their affiliates hold 56.1% in 51job.

  • Then China's internet sector campaign kicked into gear, with 51job ostensibly finding itself lumped (rightly or otherwise) with other internet-related stocks being scrutinised. Or at least, 51job was perceived to be in the cross-hairs. It doesn't help there has been a complete lack of newsflow on the transaction since the definitive agreement. No mention whatsoever in the 2Q21 results. The current gross spread of 30.8% - well below the undisturbed price - is the widest since the transaction was first floated.
  • Trading at a gross/annualised spread of 30.8%/88.3%, assuming completion at the end of 1Q22. Despite China's ongoing scrutiny of the internet industry, I've not seen any specific issue pushing back on this deal. Or as one reader put it - "isn't helping people find jobs more easily is in-line with common prosperity?"
  • But that remains the key risk to the deal, one some investors may wish to avoid heading into the end of the year.


Japan-based systems integration company Simplex Holdings (4373 JP) was listed in the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) on 22nd September 2021 and as discussed in TOPIX Inclusion: Simplex Holdings (4373 JP), a stock that gets listed on the TSE First Section will subsequently get included in the TOPIX Index which will require TOPIX-tracking funds to purchase to stock during an Inclusion Event creating a net demand situation. Considering the inclusion parameters for Simplex and its momentum at that time, Janaghan Jeyakumar was Bullish on the name until the Inclusion Event. Since then, the stock has had a sharp jump, a correction, and is now showing signs of a final rebound before the upcoming Inclusion Event at the end of this month. Link to Janaghan's insight: TOPIX Inclusion: Simplex Holdings (4373 JP) - Prepare to SHORT.


On 25 October, H&F informed zooplus AG (ZO1 GR) that an affiliate of Zorro Bidco S.à r.l., a holding company currently controlled by funds advised by H&F, has purchased shares in zooplus at €480/share. This triggers an increase in the offer price. The increased offer represents an implied equity value of €3,408 million and an implied EV of €3,334.4 million, and rather generous multiples: 1.4x EV/2022e Sales, 41.6x EV/2022e EBITDA and 119.1x P/2022e E. The acceptance period will expire unchanged on 3 November, 24:00 hrs. CET. The minimum acceptance threshold is still 50% plus one share; and all prior irrevocable undertakings remain valid. Link to Jesus Rodriguez Aguilar's insight: EQT and H&F Will Partner in Raised Offer.

Banco De Sabadell SA (SAB SM) refuses to sell TSB to Co-operative Bank for €1,200mn. Sabadell confirmed that it had received "an unsolicited show of interest" from the British retail bank Co-operative Bank for 100% of the capital of TSB, its UK subsidiary. The market is cautious about Sabadell, but less concerned about its solvency and asset quality. Link to Jesus' insight: Unlikely Disposal of TSB.

La Banque Postale (LBP) has announced its intention to acquire CNP Assurances (CNP FP)’s shares held by Groupe BPCE and to file a simplified public tender offer with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) for CNP Assurances’ minority shareholders (21.1%) at the price of €21.90/share, cum dividend, a premium of 36.2% to the prior day closing price, with the intention of ultimately implementing a squeeze-out (for which LBP needs at least c. 53% acceptances from the free float). Link to Jesus' insight: 36% Takeover Premium.

The gross spread on the Meggitt PLC (MGGT LN) deal is 6.2%. Completion may take up to a year -quite possibly 6-9 months. Link to Jesus' insight: Parker-Hannifin/Meggitt: Update and Spread.


  • This insight provides a quick summary of gross/annualised (where possible) spreads (on deals discussed on Smartkarma) across Asia-Pacific as at the last trading date, and how those spreads have changed over the last week; plus the next hard events over the coming weeks. I number 46, mostly firm, deals around the region.


For the month of October, 18 new deals (firm and non-binding) were discussed on Smartkarma with an overall announced deal size of ~US$10bn. The average premium for the new deals announced (or first discussed) in October was ~30%, with a year-to-date average of ~32% (139 deals & total deal size of US$259bn). This compares to the average premium for all deals in 2020 (158 deals) and 2019 (145 deals) of 31% and 31.5% respectively.




My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions. These may be indicative of share pledges. Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings.

  • Often these moves can easily be explained - the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, lock-up expiry, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.


% chg


Out of

Heng Hup (1891 HK)51.00%ShenwanOutside CCASS
Hengtou Securities (1476 HK) 13.80%CitiBocom
Moody Tech Holdings (1400 HK) 16.67%SilverbricksOutside CCASS
Tai Hing (6811 HK) 53.65%BOCIChina Tonghai
Pan Asia (1561 HK)13.13%Yue XiuGolden Eagle
Kepei Education (1890 HK) 74.39%St ChartOutside CCASS
China Singyes Solar Tech (750 HK) 15.87%ValuableCNCB
Source: HKEx
The following large movement(s) concern recently listed companies, and therefore are (likely) lock-up related.


% chg


Out of

Jiaxing Gas (9908 HK)14.00%ValuableBocom
Source: HKEx

I listen to a bunch of music when writing insights. Here are a handful of tunes, old & new, that piqued my interest during the week: Viagra Boys' Ain't Nice, Gabriels' Blame, The Beatles' Don't Let Me Down, Tenderlonious' Song For My Father.

What are you listening to?

Enjoy your Sunday!

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