ORG's expectations for integration after acquisition may differ from arbitrageurs. As a result, the risks behind can be overlooked.We recommend investors prepare for different scenarios that may arise
What is covered in the Full Insight:
Introduction to the Deal
ORG's Progress and Pre-Conditions
Strategic Importance of Full Acquisition
Risks and Challenges in the Acquisition
Recommendations and Expected Returns
Boomeranged on Tue, 12 Nov 2024 01:02
Huarui has completed filing process with the NDRC. The only remaining item under Pre- Condition is the SAFE approval.We hope ORG can accelerate the progress, as if Huarui fails to complete the acquisition of the Relevant Shares within 6 months from the date of the Irrevocable Undertaking (Dec.5), the Irrevocable Undertaking of Zhang Wei will be terminated immediately. This will reduce success rate
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