Union Bank Of India

Union Bank Of India (UNBK IN)

Union Bank of India Limited provides a full range of banking services throughout India. The Company's activities include retail banking, commercial and personal banking, investment management, treasury and NRI services, cash management and assorted ATM facilities. Union Bank has an online tele-banking facility for all its core banking customers.
08 Feb 2021 00:11

State Bank of India – Bad Credit

STATE BANK OF INDIA: SBI reported FY 3Q21 result increase of 22.1%) linked quarter led by a  completely unwarranted 58.1% decline in provisions and...

bearishHDFC Limited
05 Feb 2021 00:51

HDFC – Credit Turn

HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORP: HDFC reported FY 3Q21 core results decline of 6.1%. Net new NPLs accelerated 32.5%, and reserves light by over...

bearishICICI Bank Ltd
02 Feb 2021 00:01

ICICI Bank – Lower Provision Despite Increasing Credit Risk

ICICI BANK: ICICI had a linked quarter FY 3Q21 poor quality earnings increase of 16.2%. Net new NPLs  increased 43.7% on an annualized basis, and a...

31 Jan 2021 23:16

LIC Housing Finance – This Is How It Should Be Done

LIC HOUSING FINANCE: We applaud for LIC for properly managing its balance sheet. FY 3Q21 results declined 8.7% linked quarter but expect bottom...

bearishAxis Bank Ltd
29 Jan 2021 00:44

Axis Bank – Evil Result

AXIS BANK: Axis reported a 33.8% decline in linked quarter FY 3Q21 results. Given the hefty increase in net new NPLs, results make little sense....
