E&D Co Valuation Analysis
Our base case valuation multiple for E&D Co is 19x P/E. Using this multiple and applying to our estimated net profit of 13.8 billion won, this...
E&D Co IPO Preview
Established in 2004, E&D Co (Eco & Dream) is an advanced materials company in Korea, specializing in producing diesel oxidation catalysts,...
Value Investing at Its Core (NS Shopping - 138250KS)
NS Shopping represents value investing at its core. It is an unfairly cheap stock with base case 47% upside from current levels. (Trading at 3.8x...
CJ O Shopping (035760) For Sale? Why?
For now, CJ officially denied to sell CJ O Shopping (035760). Now, the question is why the talk of possible sale of CJ O Shopping came out in the...
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