Occidental Petroleum

Occidental Petroleum (OXY US)

EnergyUnited States
Occidental Petroleum Corporation explores for, develops, produces, and markets crude oil and natural gas. The Company also manufactures and markets a variety of basic chemicals, vinyls and performance chemicals. Occidental also gathers, treats, processes, transports, stores, trades and markets crude oil, natural gas, NGLs, condensate and carbon dioxide (CO2) and generates and markets power.
28 Dec 2016 07:52

Trump Not Likely to Halt Decline of US. But Ray Dalio Makes Good Case in Bringing Back Ayn Rand

I was working on a bigger piece on HK vs Singapore which I will put out later, and reviewing political classifications of economies, when I saw a...

19 Dec 2016 23:09

2017 Asset Allocation Outlook – Part 2: Trump Reflation Euphoria to Fade?

The overwhelming investor consensus a year ago was for further EM/commodity downside amid deflation fears - this year it is a USD secular bull and...

13 Dec 2016 11:01

🎺The Maritime Honours List 2016🎺

🎺🎺🎺 The Maritime Honours List 2016 🎺🎺🎺As we near the end of the year, global markets are on a high despite China, Korea, Brexit, Trump, Italy and...

07 Dec 2016 18:27

Time for Corporate America to Stand up for the Environment

The environmental agenda of President-elect Trump and his transition team is deeply troubling. Plans include dismantling or defunding the...

06 Dec 2016 17:35

Why Trump Should Embrace – Not Ditch – Green Energy

The 2016 presidential election was a vote on many issues. First and foremost, voters have told Washington that they want jobs with a future and a...
