MV Global Junior Gold Miners Index Rebalance: Round-Trip Trade of Over US$1bn
2 adds and 3 deletes result in a 1-way turnover of 11.4% and a round-trip trade of US$1.14bn for the GDXJ. Kinross Gold is the big sell while...
Long-Term Bullish Inflections For Hang Seng, DAX, MSCI EM, & Bloomberg Commodity Index
The number of major country indexes showing major bullish inflections continues to grow. Broad commodities also breaking a 12.5-year downtrend....
EM Relative Strength Is Bottoming: Overweight
Relative strength for MSCI EM is bottoming vs. MSCI EAFE despite continued global equity market weakness. Although the MSCI EM's price index...
Global Markets Deteriorating...Except EM
With U.S. markets stumbling, the MSCI ACWI index is breaking down to new lows: defensive Sectors remain attractive. Relative to MSCI ACWI however,...
Attractive EM Charts
Emerging markets remain leadership. While many of the world's developed markets in correction or consolidation mode, EM markets continue to remain...
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