Natixis (KN FP) - BPCE: European Bank Consolidation Rolls On
Even if this case is specific , BPCE's offer for Natixis shows that European bank consolidation continues, mainly on an intra-national level; we...
Italian Banks M&A Scenarios: The Italian Job in 2021
Italian banks M&A is gathering and we take a largely contrarian stance on stocks; pairs trade long Unicredit, short Intesa; positive on BPER,...
Creval - Crédit Agricole: Playing Hard to Get
I believe in the end Creval's shareholders will likely accept a sweetened offer, which could come at around €12.0 per share, a 38% premium and c....
Credit Agricole SA Opts for CreVal M&A, Banco BPM (BAMI IM) Side-Lined
CredAg was rumoured to be a potential bidder for Banco BPM, but management has opted for the smaller CreVal as its Italian consolidation choice; we...
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