Smartkarma Originals
Virtual IPOs/Direct Listings: Uninhibited Price Discovery
There’s no cookie-cutter approach that should be employed for every company seeking to go public. But late-stage, venture-backed technology...
Last Lap Thai Strategy Recap (Q4'19)
As Q4'19 approaches, there is an opportunity to spruce up returns, or at least prevent them from being worse. Here's what we see in terms of...
IPO Radar: Yggdrazil, The Viking Tree of Game and Thailand?
Yggdrazil, clearly named after the Viking tree of nine worlds, is a new company that will likely IPO in 2019. This is what we know of them and our...
IPO Radar: AppliCAD, Thailand's First 3D Printing IPO
Few things are as futuristic as 3D printing or electric vehicles. That's one reason MCorp Review took a look at AppliCAD, the first (and possibly)...
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