Air China Ltd (A)

Air China Ltd (A) (601111 CH)

Air China Limited provides passenger, cargo, and airline-related services in China. The Company is primarily based in Beijing and a major hub for domestic and international air transportation. Air China's airline-related services include aircraft maintenance, repair, overhaul service, ground services, and in-flight catering services.
16 Jun 2016 09:06

Dry Bulk Shipping - Turning Neutral as Normalisation Takes Hold

I would direct readers to our thematic pieces earlier this year, (https://www.smartkarma.com/insights/shipping-has-to-become-boring-again) and...

15 Jun 2016 09:45
14 Jun 2016 08:06

Port Operators - Valuations Downshift on Structural Changes

Since the GFC, the global port operators have been under-performing the MSCI world index. The divergence has increased in the last 18 months and is...

13 Jun 2016 14:15

China Listed Firms Q1 Summary

Heavy capital investment in previous years and government support helped the Chinese economy in previous years to grow, while this year seems to be...

13 Jun 2016 07:59

Tanker Shipping Cycle - Counter Cyclical Investment Strategy to Run Its Course, Downgrade to Neutral

Counter cyclical investment strategy to run its course, Downgrade to Neutral on multiple headwinds • Demand for tankers to grow, albeit at a slower...
