Gautam Jain has over 25 years of experience covering global emerging fixed income and currency markets, both as a strategist and a portfolio manager. He has worked in buy-side and sell-side firms, including The Rohatyn Group (TRG Management), Barclays Capital, and Millennium Partners. He has helped manage emerging markets local-currency and hard-currency debt funds. The assets that he covers include currencies, interest rates, sovereign credits, and related derivatives. He specializes in portfolio construction, smart-beta index creation, and asset allocation. Mr. Jain holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Columbia University and is a CFA charter holder.
Areas of Expertise
Primary Asset Class:
FX & Rates
Content Verticals:
FX & Rates, Macroeconomics
Work Experience:
- THE ROHATYN GROUP (Hedge Fund), Managing Director, EM Fixed Income Strategist, Aug 2007-Jun 2020
- BARCLAYS CAPITAL, Director, EM Fixed Income Strategist, Dec 2003-Jul 2007
- MILLENNIUM PARTNERS (Hedge Fund), Portfolio Manager; Director, Risk Management, Jan 2002-Nov 2003
- L.O.G. INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (Hedge Fund), Portfolio Manager and Senior Quantitative Analyst, May 1996-Dec 2001