
Celltrion Inc

Progress of Merger Between Celltrion Inc and Celltrion Healthcare & Appraisal Rights Issue

929 Views09 Sep 2023 18:29
Although some investors are likely to exercise their appraisal rights in this merger between Celltrion Inc and Celltrion Healthcare, we attach a higher probability of this merger getting completed.
Boomeranged on Wed, 15 Nov 2023 01:12
On 14 November, Celltrion Inc announced the total amount of stock purchase rights exercised in the merger of Celltrion Inc and Celltrion Healthcare was only 7.9 billion won. The opposition to the merger was only 0.19% of total shares. This is essentially a done deal. The effective date of the merger is 28 December 2023. We remain positive on Celltrion and Celltrion Healthcare. 
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