
Last Week in Event SPACE: Tokyo Dome, ESR/Sabana, NTT Docomo, Evergrande, LG Corp, China Resources

290 Views29 Nov 2020 07:27

Last Week in Event SPACE ...

  • Travis expected Friday that there would not be a sufficiently robust independent valuation of Tokyo Dome Corp (9681 JP) which would include land value, despite the fact that it is a land asset and the buyer is a real estate developer. He was not disappointed when the announcement came after the close. Which meant that he was. He has quite a lot to say on the subject.
  • A Curiously Unsatisfying Takeover Bid in Kenedix Inc (4321 JP) is the other real estate-related TOB launched in the past week which is at the wrong price. And it appears to have some investors upset. The stock has traded 14% of shares out since announcement and has not traded one share below terms.
  • Furphys and fear-mongering abound ahead of the shareholder voting next week in the ESR-REIT (EREIT SP) / Sabana Shari’ah Compliant REIT (SSREIT SP) merge.
  • NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP)'s TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400 Rebalance Trade of 27 November .... Was a disaster. And it's not immediately clear why. It is possible that one large investor simply decided not to participate in maintaining their position - in effect a large net sell on the day.
  • The JPX Nikkei 400 rebal saw significant ADD underperformance vs DELETEs on the last day, as has become "normal" over the years, but "The 2.5% Trade" worked for the 7th year in a row.
  • Evergrande Real Estate Group (3333 HK)'s Evergrande Property Services' property management unit's vast improvement in the 1H20 is just a tad too convenient ahead of its listing.
  • LG Corp (003550 KS) is to split into two holding entities as it passes the baton to the next generation.
  • China Resources Mixc Lifestyle Services (1209 HK) is not cheap, even more expensive than some recent property management IPO's that were expensive and should be avoided.
  • Plus, other events, CCASS movements, and Mood Spins.

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classifications, and Events - or SPACE - in the past week)


Tokyo Dome Corp (9681 JP) (Mkt Cap: $0.9bn; Liquidity: $3mn)

Travis Lundy wrote one piece Friday on the news and published another today with the full information and Tender Offer launched. They are probably both worth reading for the insight.

The Nikkei Asia reported Friday 27 November that Mitsui Fudosan (8801 JP) intended to partner with someone to launch a Tender Offer to take private Tokyo Dome, spending "more than ¥100bn" (vs the ¥85.9bn of yesterday's close) based on the idea that there would be a premium to market price. The Tender Offer "could start before 2020 ends." The bigger story here, of course, is that hedge fund Oasis has been on the case, urging Tokyo Dome management to do more to improve value for shareholders. Oasis said earlier this month they had been trying to engage with Tokyo Dome since 2018. They went over 5% in December 2019 and according to filings lifted their stake to 9.71% in January 2020. They put a big presentation out in the public eye in January 2020. Covid-19 later hit Japan and as a result, the number of events and therefore visitor count at the various features and venues within Tokyo Dome have slowed, and the company is on its back foot.

  • Travis Lundy expected the "fair value" in a tender offer would not include a valuation of the land and he was not disappointed in his expectation, even if he was disappointed in the lack of appraisal. He said he would not be surprised to see someone come in and make noise. The news suggests that this is a stitch-up with Mitsui Real Estate and Yomiuri Shinbun.
  • Travis cannot believe that a newspaper company is going to be the bidder who can make most professional use of a mixed-use leisure property asset in central Tokyo when their two main land assets are some underused stadium and theme park assets which saw their best years a decade before a tourist boom which brought tens of millions of people to Tokyo and a lifestyle boom which has seen Tokyoites start to spend much more on Experiences than Things.
  • In his first insight, Travis points out a simple valuation methodology based on property-based comparable companies which would lead to a much higher market cap even if there were no premium attached.
  • In his second insight written after the Tender Offer announcement, he provides a couple more valuation methods which also come out to be a much higher price than the one proposed. Any real estate investor would look to the second as a standard way to value such a company. That it was done differently is disappointing.

(link to Travis' insights: Mitsui Fudosan Tender For Tokyo Dome (9681) Mooted and Tokyo Dome Sells Itself for the Wrong Price)

ESR-REIT (EREIT SP) / Sabana Shari’ah Compliant REIT (SSREIT SP)

Back in November last year, Quarz Capital Management, one of Sabana's top 5 unitholders (at the time), proposed a merger by way of a Trust Scheme between ESR and Sabana. This made perfect sense given the potential conflict of interest within the organisational structure. Nearly nine months after Quarz's proposal, ESR and Sabana jointly announced a merger, whereby each Sabana Unitholder will receive 94 consideration units (new units in ESR) for every 100 Sabana units held. But Quarz (along with Crane capital, together holding 10% of units out, or 5% each, at the time, now up collectively 11%) issued an open letter to Sabana that they intend to reject the proposal at the current terms. The key issue is the discount to book value under the share swap ratio.

  • ESR Cayman paid S$ 0.48 cents (in cash) for 1 Sabana REIT unit almost 1 year ago. Now they offering unitholders S$ 0.376 cents with no cash, in ESR units at a steep discount to Sabana NAV. This was considered an "unprecedented and substantial discount .... irrespective of COVID".
  • Scale is clearly important for REITs. But of most importance is improving the underlying performance of assets first. Then scale. There is a need to get things done in the right order. Improvements in the 3Q is already evident - utilisation is improving. The cost of debt has fallen to 3.2% from 3.8%. All of which should improve DPU in the 2H20, further casting doubt on the merger ratio..
  • Would Sabana be cast adrift - in the medium-term - if the vote fails? Crane argues that apart from sticky investors such as themselves, there is interest in Sabana's assets, which could emerge if the merger fails. (Arguing suitors may not want to wade into a hostile situation). Singapore remains a strong property market where it is difficult to acquire attractive investments.
  • The downside appears limited if you buy here, even without the "benefit" of the merger. I'd buy here - if the deal goes through I expect both stocks to rise vs other S-REITs, and if the deal does not go through, the spotlight will be on Sabana's cheapness and that could lead it to better terms in the next deal.

(link to my insight: ESR-REIT/Sabana: Furphys And Fear-Mongering)

NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP) (Mkt Cap: $120bn; Liquidity: $377mn)

After the close on the 27th of November, NTT Docomo announced that parent NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) (9432 JP) had submitted a Demand for a Share Cash-Out on the same day and the Board of Directors of NTT Docomo had gone through the motions to approve. This triggers a TSE Designation of Security to be Delisted. This triggers the rest of the TOPIX deletion which did not happen with the down-weight on 27 November, similar to what was discussed in The End-November Japan Rebalances - How Much Is Priced In? This will trigger the selling of roughly 28.4% of the NTT Docomo shares held by TOPIX passive trackers, in theory. The other 71.4% was sold (with the funds invested in the other 2170 names in TOPIX at the close of 27 November.

  • There should be 30-35mm shares of Docomo to sell on 2 December into the close. That will be the last large sale of Docomo shares before the delisting. Docomo shares will be delisted on Christmas day.
  • The payment for the shares appears to be paid "in the same way as dividends are paid" which suggests a delay of 8-11 weeks from the Acquisition Date which will be 29 December. There will be a purchase of JPY 260bn of TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400, theoretically, on 2 December, in a roughly 9:1 ratio. If an existing holder wanted to net sell that much TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400 on that date, they could.
  • It is not clear to Travis what happened. It seems like the risk was wrong-way and he cannot tell whether that was 1) over-positioning on the supply side or 2) lack of buy demand. It looks like 2) may have caused the appearance of 1).

(link to Travis' insight: The Other Docomo Selldown and TOPIX Buy and with more analytics see Messy End-Nov Rebals (JPX Nikkei 400, MSCI, TOPIX) - Analysis and Lessons Learned

Cardinal Resources (CDV AU) (Mkt Cap: $0.4bn; Liquidity: $2mn)

Ghanaian firm Engineers & Planners Company formally launched a A$1.05/share all-cash offer. At 4.24pm the same day, Nordgold released a statement that E&P's Offer is not an "offer" nor a "competing offer", therefore it does not free either Nordgold or Shandong from their Best and Final Statements. Unfazed, Shandong bumped its Offer to A$1.05/share 43 minutes later.

  • It's refreshing that E&P has thrown its hat into the ring, breaking the minutiae deadlock - even if Nordgold believes (clutching at straws), E&P's Offer is actually not an Offer. Either Nordgold continues to pepper the TP with what it sees as a contravention of the takeovers code, or it also bumps.
  • E&P is no stranger to Nordgold, having made a binding Offer of $0.66/share on the 3 June. This current Offer is conditional on 50.1% acceptances, FIRB, and no MACs. Nordgold believes this is not a real competing offer as it is conditional - both Nordgold and Shandong's Offers are unconditional - requires FIRB approval, plus Nordgold calls into question E&P's ability to fund the Offer. Personally, if I was on the TP, I would decline to conduct or implement any measure as to Nordgold's claims.
  • Cardinal is currently trading A$0.03/share through Shandong/E&P's Offers, on the expectation Nordgold, then Shandong/E&P reloads. My IRR calcs indicate there may be more upside from here however $1.05/share is already a 320% premium to the undisturbed price - and gold prices are now at a four-month low. If you are already in, then continue to ride out the end game as this competitive bidding situation just became even more competitive. Otherwise, buy at terms or spread or two above terms on the expectation one of the competing players reloads. Shandong is the expected winner here as it can probably accept a lower IRR than either Nordgold or E&P.

(link to my insight: Cardinal Resources: Three's A Crowd)

OOTOYA Holdings (2705 JP) (Mkt Cap: $0.2bn; Liquidity: $1mn)

When Colowide Co Ltd (7616 JP) launched its Tender Offer for Ootoya back in July, the attempt was to get to board control. Colowide only got to 46+% but at an EGM held earlier this month, they spilled the board and put their own in. Ootoya has now announced that it had substantially improved its kabunushi yutai (shareholder benefit) program. It's quite dramatic.

  • Before 2020, if you owned 100 shares, you got 5 x ¥500 coupons once a year. Early in 2020 they increased the time period you could use the coupons. Then in May they upped the coupons to 5 x ¥500 coupons TWICE A YEAR. And they added a special extra 5 coups this year. And if you held the shares for three years or more, you got 6 x ¥500 coupons twice a year. This was likely to try to get shareholders to vote against the Colowide measures at the EGM. Under the new system, you get ¥8,000 of coupons a year (¥4,000 twice a year) for 100 shares or 6kg of rice, and that happens immediately - there is no longevity premium.
  • Covid-19 has deleterious effects on Ootoya and indeed the rest of the industry. Vaccines will help sentiment going forward. Outsourcing of production globally may help speed things up. If Ootoya keeps future costs as low as implied H2 costs, this will be a much leaner company coming out of the covid crisis.
  • In the meantime, new management/board have increased the shareholder benefit coupon yield so cash + coupons reach 5+% at a ¥2000/share stock price. That is a considerable jump from before and should attract back some of the customers who sold in the tender. That will cause upward pressure on the stock from here to end-March.

(link to Travis' insight: Ootoya - Watch Out For Upside on New Yutai Policy)

Village Roadshow (VRL AU) (Mkt Cap: $0.5bn; Liquidity: $1mn)

On the 23 November, VRL announced it had agreed with BGH that the terms are now A$3.00 under the Structure A Scheme and A$2.95/share under the Structure B Scheme, as had been rumoured last Friday. Spheria now intends to vote in favour of both A and B. No word from Mittleman as yet.
The Scheme Meeting will be held on the 7 December. The updated Offer does away with the uplift vagaries. This is a vastly cleaner structure, although Structure A is still 25% below the $4.00/share indicative Offer in January this year.

  • Previously Mittleman's CIO Christopher Mittleman said VRL was worth A$5/share, and that COVID-19 has not permanently impaired the business. Its current stake of 14.34%, or ~23.9% of the shares entitled to vote under Structure A, is sufficient to block this option. It is also a material stake towards blocking Structure B.
  • This revised proposal is simpler and fairly priced - the IE had a fair value range of $2.03-$2.80/share. The question mark is over Mittleman's actions. I'd pick up shares here - currently (at the time of the insight) at a 3.5% spread to Structure B, with an estimated implementation date late-December. If neither Structure gets up, then play the back-end, such that the business is not irreparably damaged and should trade significantly higher. But I think Structure B has a good chance of getting up.
  • UPDATE: Mittleman Brothers posted a presentation, which describes its concerns regarding the currently proposed takeover of VLR. "The current A$2.95 to A$3.00 range of best outcomes provided still appears unfairly low versus our estimate of indicative fair value which is currently A$5.24 per share."

(link to my insight: Village Roadshow: Rollercoaster Economics)

Think Childcare (TNK AU) (Mkt Cap: $0.1bn; Liquidity: <$1mn)

Previously, TNK announced it had received a Non-binding Indicative Proposal from the PE arm of Australian investments firm Alceon Group. The Offer Price was A$1.35/share. TNK has now announced that they had received an "unsolicited, conditional, non-binding all-cash proposal" from unlisted peer Busy Bees Early Learning Australia Pty Ltd at an Offer Price of A$1.75/share. Busy Bees Early Learning Australia Pty Ltd is the Australian arm of multinational child care firm Busy Bees Nursery Group which is backed by Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.

  • If there is a counter-proposal from Alceon matching the Busy Bees' Proposal, the determination of superiority might come down to the differences in conditionality and the type of consideration. It is worth noting that Busy Bee's Proposal is conditional on Acquirer Board Approval while Alceon's current proposal was not. On the other hand, Busy Bee's Proposal is an all-cash Deal while Alceon's current proposal was either all-cash or cash and scrip. Busy Bees might require FIRB Approval (unconfirmed). Alceon does not.
  • The Busy Bees' Offer Price of A$1.75 values TNK at EV/Revenue(LTM) and EV/EBITDA(LTM) of 2.8x and 11.1x, respectively, which are both higher than those for larger than local rival G8 Education (GEM AU) and smaller local rival Mayfield Childcare Ltd (MFD AU).
  • At present, TNK shares are at A$1.60 (at the time of the insight). This translates to a gross spread of 9.4% and an annualized spread of 22.5% if we assume Deal completion to take 5 months. Janaghan would be LONG now. He expects TNK shareholders to receive at least A$1.75/share at the end of this competitive situation and I also expect TNK to trade much closer to terms once there is more clarity on Alceon's stance in the next 5 days.

(link to Janaghan's insight: Think Childcare (TNK AU): Competitive Bid by Busy Bees)

3P Learning (3PL AU) (Mkt Cap: $.1bn; Liquidity: <$1mn)

On 20th November 2020, 3PL shareholders categorically voted down the IXL Deal. Furthermore, top shareholder Viburnum Funds, who voted against the IXL Deal, also proposed a merger with Blake eLearning. As 3PL recent announced announcement, they have now terminated the SIA with IXL and are separately "reviewing and assessing" the remaining two proposals: BYJU's revised all-cash Acquisition Offer at A$1.50 per 3PL share; a merger with Blake eLearning proposed by top shareholder Vibernum Funds.

  • BYJU's Deal cannot go through without Vibernum's consent. As things stand, expect Vibernum to block this transaction. At a minimum, Vibernum might be looking for a bump from BYJU's. However, there is a large disparity in the reference peer multiples used by Vibernum and the multiples offered by BYJU's for 3PL and it is entirely possible Vibernum is not at all interested in exiting now.

  • In the next few quarters, Janaghan expects a high likelihood of 3PL shares trading higher than their current price either as a result of M&A activity or purely fundamental reasons making this a suitable trade for those with high-risk tolerance and longer holding periods. Expect this to be a noisy trade.

(link to Janaghan's insight: 3P Learning (3PL AU): Ed-Tech Deal Faces a New Twist)

Sun Art Retail (6808 HK)'s Composite doc is now out. The first close is the 18 December, and assuming you tender immediately, payment would be on or around the 8 December. The IFA (Somerley) considers the Offer NOT fair and NOT reasonable. No surprise there - it is not Alibaba's intention to delist the company. From an arb point of view, there is very little to do here. Alibaba taking control of this hypermarket chain is positive. Sun Art also appears inexpensive versus domestic peers; and has generally underperformed all peers cited by the IFA over the past year. Link to my insight: Sun Art (6808 HK): Offer Doc Out. Not Fair And Reasonable

Logic prevailed and Allied Properties (H.K.) (56 HK)'s Scheme was sanctioned. The judges took less than ten minutes to uphold the appeal, which provides some indication of the flawed decision on the 9 October. Because the appeal centered on procedural and substantive pertaining to the Explanatory Statement, the issue of the erroneous analysis of the "majority in number" was not discussed. Perhaps this will be addressed in the final judgment. Link to my insight: In High Court Today ....

In Tae Young E&C Tender Offer: Terms & Trading Situation Sanghyun Park discusses TY Holdings tender offer for Taeyoung Engineering & Construction (009410 KS. This is a stock swap. The target amount of shares is 15.6M, 40.1% of the target company's, increasing the holding company's stake from 10.6% to 50.7%. The tender begins on December 28 and runs until January 18.

In Hankook TG Stock-Swap Merger with AtlasBX: A Likely Improvement in Holdco Discount, Sanghyun discusses Hankook Technology Group (000240 KS)'s stock-swap merger with Hankook AtlasBX Co.,Ltd. (023890 KS). The swap ratio is 3.392 for each AtlasBX share. Ex-rights falls on December 10, followed by January 28 for the shareholder meeting.


Evergrande Real Estate Group (3333 HK) / Evergrande Property Services (6666 HK) (EPS)

The IPO for EPS, joins the ever-expanding listing of property management service company to seek a listing. The Offer Price is expected to be announced on the 1 December, with the commencement of trading in the shares on the 2 December. EPS is the spin-off of Evergrande, which will own 59.04% in EPS after the IPO, down from 71.939% currently, before over-allotment. Both EPS and Evergrande will raise $7.4bn if using HK$9.13/share, the mid-point of the indicative Offer Price range.

  • 1H20 has seen a dramatic improvement in EPS' gross margins, and in turn, its profit growth. 1H20 net profit is 2.8x 1H19 net profit, and 2.2x 2H19 net profit. All the while, >99% of revenue is sourced from parent-related companies. EPS is priced richly, regardless of its top two market cap status in this space. The significant improvement in fundamentals in 2020 is a little too convenient. This potentially indicates expense will increase at the parent level.
  • Recent IPOs. Both KWG Living Group (3913 HK) and Shimao Services Holdings (873 HK)'s were priced towards the upper end of the IPO range. Sunac Services (1516 HK) was right at the mid-point. KWG and Shimao are down 27% and 6.1%. Sunac is up 14.8%. The presence of Tencent as a pre-IPO investor is an interesting one. Apart from Shimao and Sunac, Tencent was also invested in Excellence Commercial Property (6989 HK), which is down 5.6% from its IPO price.
  • I defer to Travis Lundy's note in Evergrande, Evergrande Equity De-Placement: Musical Shares. Two weeks after the placement of shares at HK$16.50, Evergrande subsequently bought back shares at a 10.6% discount to where they had just placed shares a week previously. Subtlety is not the company's strong suit.

(link to my insight: Evergrande Services (6666 HK): Evergrande Needs This More Than You)

LG Corp (003550 KS)

LG Corp announced the formation of another Holdco (tentatively named 'LG NewCo') and the split of 4 companies (out of 13 affiliates) from LG Corp including LG International (001120 KS), LG Hausys Ltd (108670 KS), Silicon Works (108320 KS), and LG MMA. In addition, Pantos will become an affiliate of LG International.

  • The LG NewCo will be operated separately from LG Corp and the former company will have its own separate BOD and senior professional managers who will oversee the company. The new BOD will be headed up by Koo Bon Joon, the uncle of the current LG Chairman Koo Kwang Mo.
  • Douglas Kim believes this creation of the LG NewCo will have a positive impact on LG Corp. However, the impact is likely to be much greater for LG NewCo than LG Corp.

(link to Douglas' insight: LG Group Announces the Formation of LG NewCo & Split of 4 Companies from LG Corp)

China Resources Land (1109 HK) / China Resources Mixc Lifestyle Services (1209 HK) (CRM)

CRM is the spin-off of CR Land, which will own 75% in CRM after the IPO, down from 100% currently, before over-allotment. CRM intends to raise HK$11.2bn (US$1.4bn) if using HK$20.45/share, the mid-point of the indicative Offer Price range. Even at the bottom end of its IPO range, CRM's FY20(L) PER surpasses all peers. It also has below-average revenue growth and gross margins.

  • Similar to EPS, CRM's 1H20 has seen a dramatic improvement in gross margins, and in turn, its profit growth. 1H20 net profit is 1.8x 1H19 net profit, and 1.96x 2H19 net profit. All the while, >88% of revenue is sourced from parent-related companies.
  • I'm not a buyer of CRM. It is not cheap, even more expensive than some recent property management IPO's I have written about, ones I found expensive and recommended avoiding. I don't believe the presence of certain cornerstone investors alleviates such concerns.
  • CR Land is trading towards the high end of its P/B premium with respect to peers. But this is not cause to go short. The company has had a tendency to move in tandem with a basket of peers and I see no reason why this won't continue.

(link to my insight: China Resources Mixc (1209 HK): This Is An Avoid)

On the 4 December, shareholders vote on Daelim Industrial (000210 KS)'s decision to form a Holdco/Spin-off. In Daelim Industrial: Unlocking Higher Value Through A Holdco & Spin-Off (Voting on 4 December), Douglas believes Daelim Industrial could be one of these spin-off related turnaround plays that could outperform the market over the next 6 to 12 months.


Bank of Japan buying ETFs

The BOJ's buying of ETFs continues but the pace has slowed in recent months. This does not mean we don't get ETF news, comments, etc. BOJ Governor Kuroda was in front of parliament a week ago and talked about the BOJ's ETF-buying programmes. Mr Kuroda was quite clear with his answer. From a Reuters note last week, "The BOJ already buys ETFs “quite flexibly” and can reduce purchases when the market risk premium is not rising, Kuroda told parliament. “If inflation hits our 2% target and an exit from our massive stimulus programme comes into sight, there will certainly be debate on how to end our ETF buying. But it’s premature to do so at this stage.” As Travis puts it, the proof is in the pudding.

  • Kuroda-san says the BOJ isn't stopping ETF buys but the evidence is that they are slowing purchases when they feel they do not need to dampen downside volatility. They now have considerable buffer to buy more heavily should indices fall.
  • Very Serious People are worried about how the BOJ will get rid of its ETFs. Some people suggest selling them to individuals. I think that unlikely to be successful in any reasonable time frame. There are solutions, and the risk is not impossible to deal with
  • In the meantime, the BOJ will continue to buy, and will continue to absorb float. This year, at a pace of ¥4-5trln if it continues indefinitely, that is another 1% of TOPIX Index Float and closer to 1.35% of Real World Float. The impact is still real.

(link to Travis' insight: JAPAN FLOW: BOJ ETF Exit Fretting Is A Thing But Shouldn't Be. BOJ Buys Slower But Still Bigly)


In Aryzta - Elliott: Prospective Offer, Jesus Rodriguez Aguilar discusses Elliott Management's potential offer of CHF 0.80 per share for Aryzta AG (ARYN VX).

In Creval - Crédit Agricole: Playing Hard to Get, Jesus discusses Credit Agricole Sa (ACA FP) voluntary public tender offer entirely in cash for all ordinary shares of Credito Valtellinese Sc (CVAL IM) at €10.50 per share. He believes the offer will be bumped to €12.0 per share.

After Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentari (BBVA SM) and Banco De Sabadell SA (SAB SM) have broken off merger discussions, Victor Galliano still recommends a short on Sabadell shares – with no M&A premium, Sabadell’s PBV ratio could fall back to close to 0.10x. Link to Victor's insight: Merger Undone: Tougher Outlook for Sabadell, BBVA Plans Buybacks and EM M&A.


GMO Pepabo Inc (3633 JP) (Mkt Cap: $0.3bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

Japanese internet services firm GMO Pepabo announced (J-only) they had received approval to move from the Second Section to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange as of 11th December 2020. TSE1 reassignment triggers inclusion into the TOPIX Index and the Inclusion Event can be expected to be at the close of trading 28th January 2021. In conjunction with the TSE1-reassignment announcement, the company also announced (J-only) a share sale for a total quantity of 331,800 shares including an over-allotment quantity.

  • The Index Inclusion parameters are not very attractive. Janaghan estimates the Inclusion Quantity to be around 274,000-329,000 shares. This translates to an Inclusion Size of ¥1.43 - 1.71bn and an Impact of ~2 days of volume.
  • Fundamentals do not seem particularly encouraging either. On a growth-adjusted basis, GMO Pepabo is overvalued against peers. The stock is currently trading at an EV/EBITDA (FY19) multiple of 23.5x which is slightly lower than our estimated peer-average of 24.5x. However, for the period FY19A-FY22E, Capital IQ consensus projections translate to an EBITDA CAGR of 1.6% for GMO Pepabo which is significantly lower than the average of 25.6% expected for peers.
  • Avoid the "Buy-and-Hold until Inclusion Date" Trade: The estimated Impact of 2 days of volume is very small and the sale of shares makes the situation even more uninteresting. Look for range-trading opportunities instead.

(link to Janaghan's insight: TOPIX Inclusion (3633 JP): GMO Pepabo)

Morningstar Japan KK (4765 JP) (Mkt Cap: $0.4bn; Liquidity: $2mn)

Then-JASDAQ-listed online financial information provider Morningstar announced (J-only) on 29 September they had received approval to move to the Tokyo Stock Exchange as of 19th October 2020 and they expected the move to take them to the TSE First Section which meant a TOPIX inclusion. At the same time, they announced a combination equity offering which raised some new equity capital for the company, and allowed Morningstar Inc and SBI Global Asset Management to sell down their stakes somewhat. That Offering was priced at a ¥20 discount against the close of ¥482 and investors bought at ¥462/share. Tuesday 24 November was only the fifth day in the past 32 trading days where the shares traded above the pre-offering price of ¥482/share. Volume was heavy. This sets up an interesting/odd TOPIX inclusion on Friday.

  • Travis expects that the inclusion event will see the shares go up. While the stock has on rare occasions traded significant volume, it has never traded that much on a single day and I expect pressure will be applied to see the shares enter at a high price. He expects stock borrow to be limited/difficult because of the nature of who the new holders are.
  • Travis would expect that if the inclusion takes place at a nice "high" price of ¥500/share-plus, it may be a good short for a short period. In the meantime, he would not want to be short at all. He would want to be long (this past) Wednesday morning on any dip into Friday's close.

(link to Travis' insight: Morningstar Japan (4765) TOPIX Inclusion - A Big Buy Against a Big Overhang)

Shinnihonseiyaku Co Ltd (4931 JP) (Mkt Cap: $0.6bn; Liquidity: $4mn)
Shinnihonseiyaku announced that they have received approval to move from the Mothers Section to TSE1 or TSE2 as of 15th December 2020. In conjunction, they also announced a sale of shares for a total quantity of 2,070,000 shares including the over-allotment portion.
  • Since July, the Index Inclusion Parameters have evolved to become much less attractive. Based on the share price and volume history up to July 2020, the estimated impact of a TOPIX Inclusion event was ~15 days. However, the increased trading volumes in recent months means that the actual impact could be much smaller in terms of "days of volume". Janaghan estimated the Inclusion quantity to be 1,285,000-1,542,000 shares. This translates to an estimated Inclusion Size of ¥4.27 - 5.13bn and an estimated Impact of 7 - 8 days of volume going by 3-month ADV.
  • The fundamentals do not raise any serious concerns of overvaluation. On an LTM basis, Shinnihonseiyaku's EV/Revenue, EV/EBITDA, and PER multiples of 1.8x, 15.8x, and 34.0x are significantly lower than the peer-averages of 3.1x, 23.3x, and 48.4x respectively.
  • Janaghan recommends range-trading after the completion of the share sale. The stock could pop on day 1 post-announcement and later slightly correct itself in the run-up to the share sale pricing date. He recommends waiting for the share sale to be completed and buying on any weakness against the Issue Price post-delivery (after 15th December 2020) to Inclusion (28th January 2021). This is effectively a momentum trade. Be prepared to bail when the momentum dissipates.
(link to Janaghan's insight: TOPIX Inclusion (4931 JP): Shinnihonseiyaku)


ASX200 Index Rebalance Preview. Brian Freitas sees 5 potential inclusions in the December review: Reece Ltd (REH AU), Kogan.com (KGN AU), Tyro Payments (TYR AU), Codan Ltd (CDA AU) and De Grey Mining (DEG AU). Brian sees 6 potential inclusions in the December review: Cooper Energy (COE AU), Western Areas (WSA AU), Service Stream (SSM AU), Gwa Group Ltd (GWA AU), Avita Medical (AVH AU) and Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW AU). Tassal (TGR AU) is ranked very close to Unibail and could be an alternate delete name. Link to Brian's insight: ASX200 Index Rebalance Preview: Expected Inclusions Underperforming as Momentum Unwinds.

FTSE100 Index Rebalance Preview. Using end of day date from 25 November, Brian sees HomeServe PLC (HSV LN) being deleted from the index. The top 2 replacement candidates at the moment are Weir Group (WEIR LN) and Pershing Square Holdings (PSH NA). Link to Brian's insight: FTSE100 Index Rebalance Preview: One Delete Candidate; Two Vying for the Spot.

Bangkok Bank Public (BBL TB): NVDR Limit Lowered to 25%. The Thai NVDR Company announced that the Bank of Thailand would not be extending the approval to hold up to 35% of the paid-up capital of BBL and the limit would be lowered to 25% from 24 December onwards. With the current NVDR holding already at 23.73%, the foreign headroom drops to 5.07% and the NVDR line could be deleted from the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (GEIS). With the next FTSE rebalance effective after the close of trading on 18 December, FTSE could make an announcement in the next few days on the exclusion to coincide with the December rebalance. Link to Brian's insight: Bangkok Bank (BBL TB): NVDR Limit Lowered to 25%; Should Trigger FTSE Deletion.

KOSDAQ150 Index Rebalance. There are 17 inclusions and 17 exclusions in the December 2020 review with an estimated one-way turnover of 7.71%. Links to Brian's insight: KOSDAQ150 Index Rebalance: Lots of Changes, Big Turnover, High Impact and Sanghyun's insight: KOSDAQ 150 Rebalancing Results: List, Volatility, Upside, & Liquidity.

KOSPI200 Index Rebalance. There are 10 inclusions and 10 exclusions in the December 2020 review with an estimated one-way turnover of 1.06%. Links to Brian's insight: KOSPI200 Index Rebalance: No Surprises Here, but Decent Impact Expected and Sanghyun's insight: KOSPI 200 Rebalancing Results: List, Volatility, Upside, & Liquidity.

FTSE China 50 Index Rebalance Preview: Brian sees 5 potential inclusions in the index: JD.com (HK) (9618 HK), NetEase (9999 HK), Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd H (2899 HK), China Intl Capital (3908 HK) and Great Wall Motor (2333 HK). To keep the number of index constituents at 50, there will need to be 5 exclusions: China Unicom Hong Kong (762 HK), Cgn Power Co Ltd H (1816 HK), China Railway Group Ltd H (390 HK), CRRC Corp Ltd H (1766 HK) and Citic Ltd (267 HK). There is a 1bp difference in market cap between Citic Ltd (267 HK) and Zte Corp H (763 HK) and a small difference in FX could lead to the deletion of Zte Corp H (763 HK) instead of Citic Ltd (267 HK). Link to Brian's insight: FTSE China 50 Index Rebalance Preview: Five Possible Change and HUGE Turnover.

FTSE China A50 Index Rebalance Preview. Brian sees BYD Co Ltd (002594 CH) and Luzhou Laojiao Co Ltd A (000568 CH) as high probability inclusions with Aier Eye Hospital Group (300015 CH) as a lower probability inclusion. China United Network A (600050 CH) and Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products (300122 CH) are high probability deletions and Poly Real Estate Group Co., (600048 CH) is a lower probability deletion. Link to Brian's insight: FTSE China A50 Index Rebalance Preview: Drink & Drive Into the Index (Maybe a Hospital Too).

KLCI Index Rebalance Preview. The review uses today's closing price to determine the stocks to be included into and excluded from the index. Brian sees Supermax Corp (SUCB MK) being included in the index, replacing KLCCP Stapled (KLCCSS MK). Glove makers should have a weighting of 14.23% in the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) (FBMKLCI INDEX) post the change. Kossan Rubber Industries (KRI MK) has dropped out of the list of potential inclusions following the momentum unwind, while Genting Bhd (GENT MK) and Genting Malaysia (GENM MK) have rallied to avoid index deletion. Link to Brian's insight: KLCI Index Rebalance Preview: Glovemaker to Take a Real Estate Spot.

FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 Index Rebalance Preview. Brian expects Novatek Microelectronics Corp (3034 TT) to be included in the index, replacing Lite On Technology (2301 TT). Novatek missed out on index inclusion at the September review and should be included this time around. Link to Brian's insight: FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 Index Rebalance Preview: One Change Coming Up.

In Stock Connect - Secondary Listings and Biotech Stocks to Become Eligible?, Brian tackled the headline in Sing Tao daily that Hong Kong is to include secondary listings companies in the stock connect.


Do check out Travis' comprehensive H/​​A-Share Spread Monitor which he publishes every week. It includes all H-Share/A-Share pairs where the H-Share has a 90-day average daily value-traded of US$1.0mm or more. It shows basic data per H/A spread stock by sector, with the H/A Discount, the movement in H/A Discount over 5 and 20 days, a 52-week Z-score for the spread, and Southbound analysis. Link to Travis' insight: Quiddity Weekly H/​A-Share Spread Monitor as of 20 Nov 2020.

On 24 September, Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche (DAN IM) approved the compulsory conversion of savings shares into ordinary shares, on the basis of a conversion ratio equal to 0.65 ordinary shares for each savings share; and the distribution of an extraordinary dividend equal to €1.20 for each existing and newly issued ordinary share resulting after the conversion. The mandatory conversion and extraordinary dividend were approved at the shareholders meetings on 28 October. The conversion date is yet to be announced but expected soon. Since the announcement, the adjusted spread has ranged between -2.1% and 4.6%. It was 1.7%. In Italian Savings Shares, Danieli, Jesus recommends long Danieli savings shares/short Danieli ordinary shares.

In his follow-up note Buzzi Unicem's Savings Shares Conversion, Jesus recommended long Buzzi Unicem (BZU IM)'s savings shares / short ordinary shares if and when the spread widens.



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions. These may be indicative of share pledges. Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings.

Often these moves can easily be explained - the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, lock-up expiry, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.


% chg


Out of

LHN (1730 HK)24.85%HSBCUBS
Innovax (2680 HK)74.99%BNPCiti
Tungtex Holdings (518 HK) 11.01%IBDBS
Man Shun (1746 HK)20.00%QuasarOutside CCASS
Zall Smart Commerce Group (2098 HK) 14.88%HSBCBNP
Dingyi Group Investment (508 HK) 11.10%BOCIGrand Cartel
China Brilliant (8026 HK)29.90%MSValuable
Perennial International (725 HK) 70.37%UBSOutside CCASS
JNBY Design Ltd (3306 HK) 54.25%HSBCCCB
Super Strong (8262 HK)20.00%RealordOutside CCASS
Dragon King (8493 HK)16.50%RealordOutside CCASS
Shinalong (1930 HK)13.80%HalcyonOutside CCASS
Source: HKEx

The following large movement(s) concern recently listed companies, and therefore are (likely) lock-up related.


% chg


Out of

Neusoft Education (9616 HK) 37.12%CMBOutside CCASS
Source: HKEx
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