Last Week in Event SPACE: Jardine Matheson, Vedanta, Cromwell, Cardinal, Taubman, Mediawan

465 Views28 Jun 2020 00:00

Last Week in Event SPACE ...

  • Plus, other events, CCASS movements and Mood Spins.

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classifications, and Events - or SPACE - in the past week)


JMH took a two-and-a-half month break from buying back its own shares - from the 13 March to the 26 May. It is quite possible, given the stratospheric JM/JS ratio, management held back until some sense of normalcy returned. JM has now bought back 7.9mn shares at a cost of US$418mn since it resumed buybacks in September 2019. Apart from the shares acquired on the 12 March, which were purchased by Jardine Matheson International Services, a wholly-owned subsidiary of JMH, all other shares have been cancelled.

  • The simple ratio was at 1.90x (at the time of the insight) against a ~10-year average of 1.71x. The longer-term average (as far back as CapIQ goes) is 1.8x. The JM/JS ratio has been reverting to its mean since the 19 March, and it could be argued this will continue.
  • However, JM received US$2.2bn from its sale of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group P (JLT LN) in 2018, leaving ~US$1.8bn to continue buying back shares in itself. It is all but restricted from buying more shares in JSH on account of the public float. The average ratio since buybacks resumed last year is 1.86x, and 1.99x since the resumption (again) late May. The positive newsflow is with JMH from hereon. Recent buying suggests management considers current levels to be optimum.
  • Separately, the NAV discount spread is ~15.5% against a one-year average of ~17%. I see JM at a 33% discount, which is historically wide. In Jardines: Holy Bargain Basements!, this was a clear Long JSH/ Short JMH trade. I would look to reverse that trade here.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson Buybacks As Ratio Mean Reverts; JCNC Looking Cheap)

Astra is up 23% in the past month, against ~7% for JCNC, resulting in the discount to NAV at ~22%, a multi-year low. The implied stub of S$3.74, at the time of the insight, compares to the long-term average of S$2.89.

  • Angus Mackintosh continues to like Astra as a recovery play and a key proxy for Indonesia's economic rebound going into FY21. Just last week, Astra was trading on 9.7x FY21E PER versus its 5-year average of 14.1x forward PER. I see the consensus FY21E at 10.1x.
  • Given Astra accounts for 91%/74% of NAV/GAV, this appears a simple mean reversion play, as JCNC plays catch-up to Astra's recent outperformance. A portion of that outperformance likely hinged off the recent sale of its stake in Bank Permata (BNLI IJ) to Bangkok Bank Public (BBL TB), netting the company ~IDR16.5bn - see Travis Lundy's most recent insight: Permata Transaction Complete - Now For The Mandatory Takeover. Look to set up the stub at these levels.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson Buybacks As Ratio Mean Reverts; JCNC Looking Cheap)


Vedanta Ltd (VEDL IN) (Mkt Cap: $5.5bn; Liquidity: $42mn)

Because of the way that Indian Delisting Offers work (see Travis' and Janaghan Jeyakumar's guide here), and the way opportunistic take-private situations work in general, it helps to have an opportunity. The stock price falling by half is a pretty good one. The way this could unfold is a little complicated, involves the possible use of the Delisting Rules as yet untried, and there are discrete risk points (including Q2 earnings) between here and there.

  • The company wrote down 22% of the book value of its non-Hindustan Zinc assets. Because the oil price fell. The oil price is up 60% since that write down. Other commodity prices are up since the fiscal year end. Zinc +10%. Silver +25%. Lead +7%. Copper +17%. Aluminium +4%. Iron ore +30%. All the commodity inputs are doing well at the start of this fiscal year from where they were written down to or indicated as of end-March. As India comes off lockdown, volumes will pick up. None of this is negative for the company given where things were on 31 March.
  • The company took a tax hit on dividends it did not receive, then took the dividend after the balance sheet photo. That impacted the stock price of the main asset - Hindustan Zinc. Even at the lowest combined de-constructed (pro-forma) EBITDA in years, the combined entity trades on a pro-forma basis of about 3x EBITDA. Going to 4x would get the stock price to INR 150/share.
  • The promoter is cunning, and has been skillful in squeezing out minorities in other businesses. One expects that some of the combination above was an exercise of some of that skill (COVID-19 perhaps not, but the writedowns, the timing of the tax hits, of the special div from Hindustan Zinc, the timing of the Delisting Proposal, etc.)
  • The question is whether investors are willing to sell at all. If they are willing to sell, but only at a high price, can the Promoter wear them down to INR 147.57? If not, what is the likelihood the Promoter accepts a higher price? Where does this fall if it breaks? This deal is "risky" because if it breaks because investors want to get INR 200 and the Promoter will only pay INR 150, it could fall post-deal. But how far? If we know Vedanta is willing to pay INR 150 in a counter-offer, do the shares need to drop sharply from where they are now? Travis Lundy thinks not. If we think the RBB offer will be too high, and Vedanta will counter, Travis'd buy to a 20% discount to that counter. There is still a lot of room from here to there. Minimum counter is INR 147.57.
  • For weeks the other Vedanta Resources funding story has been about how it would raise money to buy out Vedanta minorities. The story has long been a US$2.5bn loan and perhaps offering terms to existing bondholders to lower covenants, but details were thin on the ground. The loan construct - which may involve a large HZL dividend - may affect things more than Travis had thought. It doesn't change things overall, just potentially jiggles the timing.
  • Pay attention to your tax regime and possibilities if you are long Hindustan Zinc. The next div could mean INR 9-10/share of Hindustan Zinc in terms of withholding - a full 5% of your position value. And there is no way around it with India-listed futures.

Cromwell Property (CMW AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.7bn; Liquidity: $4mn)
The board of Aussie real-estate play CMW and Singapore's ARA Asset Management don't exactly see eye to eye. ARA was excluded from an equity raising last year, not invited to participate in a strategic review early this year, and rebuffed from its intention to participate in a distribution reinvestment plan, and instead received cash. ARA holds 24% and has now launched a partial offer for 29% of shares not owned (not 29% of shares out as previously flagged in my insight).
  • If successful, that would get ARA to 46%. But there exists a question mark over the Tang family from Singapore, and whether they are considered a connected party to ARA - an issue CMW has taken to the Takeovers Panel, and promptly lost. The Tangs hold 16.6%, so even if ARA gets to 34% from the partial, the two investors hold >50%.
  • The Partial Offer is not subject to FIRB, a minimum acceptance condition, or any due diligence. CMW has raised a query over that lack of FIRB consent.
  • Currently trading 4.2% through terms. Expect ARA to go hostile here, ignoring the board's recommendation that this is a "takeover by stealth", a term used against ARA previously. This looks set to be a short-dated put at $0.90/security from the largest shareholder, in what is optically an opportunistic Offer. Buying here or a spread or two below, the downside is limited.
  • UPDATE: In a follow-up announcement, CMW directors intend to reject ARA's takeover bid.

Cardinal Resources (CDV AU) (Mkt Cap: $0.2bn; Liquidity: <$1mn)

Back on the 16 March, CDV announced the receipt of a non-binding Offer from Nord Gold SE (Nordgold) at A$0.45775/share. Nordgold held 19.9% of shares out having acquired 16.4% from Goldfields Limited. In a 30 March update, CDV said it had entered into a confidentiality agreement with Nordgold and had also provided due diligence. There has been no further update. On the 18 June, CDV recommended a takeover Offer from Shandong Gold Mining Co., Ltd. (1787 HK) at A$0.60/share, a 75.5% premium to CDV's 20-day unaffected VWAP, and a 31.1% premium to Nordgold's proposal.

  • This off-market takeover offer is subject to a 50.1% minimum acceptance condition. SGM has also provided an interim funding package of A$11.96mn via a placement of shares. CDV’s directors, collectively holding of 6.37% of CDV’s ordinary shares, intend to accept the Offer. FIRB won't be a problem as the assets are in Ghana. The Offer is also subject to SGM receiving various PRC approvals (NDRC, MoC, & SAFE); however backed by an SOE, such approvals should be rubber-stamped.
  • This mine has been a long, slow burn, but all approvals are now in place. My discussion with some industry players confirms my initial read that this Offer is light. CDV would be an accretive acquisition target for major gold producers. I would expect Nordgold to return to the table, and suggest picking shares up around these levels, which are currently trading at terms. Either it gets done at A$0.60 or it gets bid higher.
  • The pushback? One would have thought CDV sounded out Nordgold ahead of the SGM announcement, which may indicate Nordgold are okay exiting here, and making a quick buck in a West African investment.
  • UPDATE: MM Asset Management, which first became a substantial shareholder on the 10 June, (6.07%), now holds 11.14% as at 22 June.

Cassini Resources (CZI AU) (Mkt Cap: $0.1bn; Liquidity: <$1mn)
On the 22 June, OZ Minerals Ltd (OZL AU) and CZI announced OZL's intention to acquire CZI by way of a Scheme. There are a number of moving parts to this transaction: CZI will undertake an interconditional-demerger of its Yarawindah Brook (Ni-Cu-PGE) and Mount Squires (Au, Ni-Cu) assets into a new company, Caspin Resources Limited, to be listed on the ASX. CZI will receive Caspin shares according to their pro-rata ownership in CZI. CZI shareholders will receive A$0.16/share upfront via: i) A$0.15/share in the form of one new OZL share for every 68.5 CZI shares held; and ii) A$0.01/share capital return from CZI's cash reserves.
  • This will see OZL take 100% control of the West Musgrave project, Australia's largest undeveloped nickel-copper project. OZL currently has a 70% interest in the project. CZI's board, holding 4.3% of shares out, recommend the Offer. Major shareholders with an additional 13.1% also support the transaction. This deal is expected to be put to the vote in late September, with a potential conclusion in early October.
  • With 94% of the consideration (using OZL's last price) in OZL shares, this is a bet on OZL. OZL shares are flat YTD and are trading at their fair value price, according to street consensus. OZL is a A$3.5bn company, therefore the issuance of 6.4mn new shares under this transaction (~2% of shares out) is not a big deal. Current trading a shade below the implied terms at A$0.165/share. This looks a punt around the initial indicative terms of A$0.16. But this is not a particularly liquid arb play. The big question is - what is Caspin worth? Perhaps a couple of cents is my estimate.

In Olympus Finally Sells Its Loss-Making Camera Business, Shifara Samsudeen discussed the announcement by Olympus Corp (7733 JP) selling its Imaging business to Japan Industrial Partners. The company along with its peers for imaging business, Fujifilm and Canon have been increasingly expanding into medical and diagnostic businesses due to shrinking demand for their legacy businesses of imaging products (such as digital cameras and camera lenses), photocopiers and office equipment. The medical systems and diagnostic businesses now account for a majority of revenues for these Japanese companies. Shifara views the announcement as positive.

Photovoltaic power generation business play Mastercraft International Hold (3966 HK) - now known as China Baofeng - announced a takeover by way of a Scheme @HK$2.60/share, a 27.5% premium to last close. The Offeror, the chairman, and concert parties hold 69.91%, therefore Scheme/Independent shareholders total 30.09%. The blocking stake at the Court Meeting is 3.009% of shares out. Cayman incorporated so headcount test applies. Looks pretty clean.


In late morning 22 June 2020, after asking for a trading halt earlier in the day, natural rubber producer Halcyon Agri Corp (HACL SP) made a release to the SGX announcing a 1-for-2 non-underwritten renounceable rights issue. The Company will seek to use the general mandate for share issuance to be decided at the 2020 AGM to be held on 26 June to allow the Directors "to allot and issue Shares, whether by way of rights, bonus or otherwise, of up to 50% of the total number of issued Shares" outstanding as of the AGM. In Halcyon Agri Rights Issue, the short and sweet of it is that there is no trade to do here. Travis would personally stay away entirely.


Mediawan (MDW FP) (Mkt Cap: $0.4bn; Liquidity: $1mn)

On 22nd June, France-headquartered Media company Mediawan announced its founders, along with KKR & Co Inc (KKR US) and French insurer MACSF, launched a Public Tender Offer to acquire all the remaining shares (~73%) currently not owned by them. Under the terms of the Tender Offer, Mediawan’s shareholders would receive €12.00 per share in cash. The Tender offer will also cover the outstanding warrants issued by Mediawan. The warrants holders would receive €0.65 per warrant tendered. The Offer is conditional on receiving regulatory approvals and satisfying a minimum acceptance threshold of 55% (including the 27% already owned).

  • The Offer Price is 42.3% higher than the undisturbed price of €8.43. It also translates to strong Premia of 41.8%, 55.1%, and 33.1% to the stock's 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month VWAPs respectively. Furthermore, it is also more-than-double the low of €5.83 reached in the recent sell-off in March 2020. The Fundamentals seem to suggest the Offer is full. The Offer price translates to EV/Rev (LTM), EV/Rev (NTM), EV/EBITDA (LTM), and EV/EBITDA(NTM) multiples of 1.30x, 2.25x, 17.72x, and 14.41x, respectively, all of which are higher than the estimated medians for peers. (See discussion below)
  • The Offer is conditional on receiving acceptance from at least 55% of Mediawan’s share capital and voting rights, on an outstanding and fully diluted basis (including the 27% controlled by the founders and MACSF). This translates to a minimum acceptance rate of approximately 38.4% (28% out of 73%) from the remaining Target Shareholders. Janaghan thinks this can be quite easily achieved. Expect the shares of the company to trade close to terms until completion. This would be a standard "rate-of-return" trade.
  • However, considering the fairly large drop to the undisturbed price and the low-liquidity of the shares, Janaghan recommends avoiding this situation as a plain vanilla risk arbitrage. If you are long the shares outright, this deal probably gets done. If you are long the warrants outright, the downside to deal break is considerably larger. If you are hedged, there may be an interesting trade to do.

(link to Janaghan's insight: Mediawan Tender Offer: Trading Close to Terms)

NetEnt AB (NETB SS) (Mkt Cap: $1.9bn; Liquidity: $15mn)

Sweden-based Online-Casino company Netent announced they had received a Public Takeover Offer from larger rival Evolution Gaming Group Ab (EVO SS). The Deal values Netent at a market Cap of ~US$2bn. The Offer Acceptance Period is expected to be from 17th August to 26th October 2020, subject to any extensions. The Offer is conditional on the receipt of regulatory clearances and a minimum acceptance threshold which requires Evolution Gaming to end up owning more than 90% of the shares in NetEnt (on a fully diluted basis). This is a friendly Deal. The Target Board has unanimously recommended that shareholders of NetEnt to accept Offer.

  • Legalisation of sports betting in the US could be considered a catalyst for this Deal. The Deal intends to create a "leading B2B supplier in online casino". Evolution specializes in "Live Casino" while NetEnt claims to have a leading position in "Online Slots." In addition, the Acquirer claims the combination of NetEnt's established position in North America and Evolution's existing studios in the US will help them capitalize on the ongoing favourable regulatory changes in North America.
  • The Minimum Acceptance Condition (90%) could be the most difficult condition to satisfy. NetEnt's largest and most long-standing shareholders and certain board members, collectively representing 29.50% of all shares, have made commitments, under certain conditions, to accept the Offer or have stated their intention to do so. But that means Evolution needs 85.8% of the remaining shares. Evolution has reserved the right, in whole or in part, to waive one or more conditions, including completing the Offer at a lower level of acceptance.
  • Considering the very high acceptance rate required in this Deal, Janaghan believes the spread is too narrow for a rate-of-return trade. He would also recommend refraining from betting on a bump as Evolution has announced the Offer Price is final will not be increased. If the shares get to 2+ to 3.0% gross spread near-term, that may be an appropriate place to build large longs, however, if it gets there, some investors may get worried about why it got there.

(link to Janaghan's insight: NetEnt-Evolution: Are People Betting on an Overbid?)

SIX Group AG (SIX) has successfully completed its all-cash voluntary tender offer for Bolsas Y Mercados Espanoles Sh (BME SM), operator of the Spanish stock exchanges, with an acceptance level of 93.16% of BME’s share capital, which is higher than the 50% plus one share minimum acceptance condition. There are two possible scenarios now: i) delisting: SIX is lacking 1.84% of the share capital of BME to carry this out; or ii) BME stays listed, with a 6.84% free float. SIX has already warned than the payout will be lower. There will be some cost synergies (yet unquantified). In BME - SIX till Death Do Us Part, Jesus Rodriguez Aguilar does not rule out staying long as opposed to cashing in.

M&A - US

Taubman Centers (TCO US) (Mkt Cap: $2.4bn; Liquidity: $84mn)

Robert Sassoon revisits the Simon Property Group (SPG US) / Taubman transaction, which is currently litigiously tied up. SPG sought to pull the plug in that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a uniquely material and disproportionate effect on Taubman. Taubman countered by claiming that SPG's unilateral termination of the merger agreement is invalid and without merit.
  • Bloomberg reports that trial will be scheduled for mid-November, critically from TCO’s perspective before the merger agreement expires and perhaps leaving enough time for the parties to reach a new agreement. TCO has turned a little green on this news in a very weak market.
  • Taubman shareholders have now voted overwhelmingly in favour of the previously announced $52.50 cash offer by SPG which the latter rescinded on June 10. The shareholder approval satisfies the final condition precedent to the closing of the transaction. TCO indicated that it stands ready, willing and able to close the Transactions with Simon on June 30, 2020, the third business day following the satisfaction of all conditions precedent, which is the timeline required by the Merger Agreement.

  • Clearly that is very unlikely to happen now. Shareholder backing will only strengthen TCO's resolve to argue its case that SPG makes good on its obligations to close the transaction in a pending lawsuit. which according to reports is scheduled for mid-November. Robert thinks TCO has the stronger hand in the lawsuit, but could be ready to reach a new agreement with SPG to avoid a potentially nasty and expensive courtroom battle.


Toumei (4439 JP) (Mkt Cap: $0.1bn; Liquidity: <$1mn)

TSE Mothers-listed Toumei announced (J-only) on 11th June they had received approval for a potential TSE1 reassignment. In conjunction, they also announced (J-only) Share Offerings in order to satisfy some of the requirements for a TSE1 move. The company's TSE1 promotion was contingent on the successful execution of these Offerings. On 23rd June, Toumei confirmed (J-only) they had received approval to move from the MOTHERS Section to the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange as of 3rd July 2020. TSE1 reassignment triggers inclusion into the TOPIX Index and I expect the inclusion event to be at the close of trading 28th August 2020.

  • Janaghan estimates the Inclusion Size to be 0.33mn-0.41mn shares, which is roughly 24-29 days of volume based on 3-month ADV. According to his estimates for Historical TOPIX Inclusion Events, the Inclusion Size is below the median (¥1.06bn) while the Impact (day count) is above the median (10.96 days).
  • Fundamentals do not raise any red flags. Toumei mainly constructs communication infrastructure for small and medium businesses. Revenue, OP, and NP are projected to grow at a CAGRs of 8.4%, 20.4%, and 16.7%, respectively, in the period between FY2019-FY2022E (capitalIQ forecasts). The current EV/Revenue (LTM), EV/Revenue (NTM), PER (LTM), PER (NTM), and PBV multiples are below the estimated means and medians for peers.
  • THE TRADE: Janaghan would avoid this Inclusion Event. The delivery of the first portion of the Offering will be on 3rd July. This portion is priced at ¥1,425/share and is around 50-60 days of volume. I feel there could be enough and more public shareholders willing to sell to Index Buyers at or just above the current price.

(link to Janaghan's insight: TOPIX Inclusion (4439 JP): Toumei Co)


The Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited (HSIL) will announce the results of the 2020 Q2 review of the Hang Seng Family of Indexes in mid-August. The constituent changes will be effective from 7 September 2020 and the rebalancing trades will need to be done at the closing auction on 4 September 2020. This is the first review where WVR securities and Secondary Listings are eligible for inclusion. Also, H-shares with unlisted share capital are now eligible for inclusion in the index. In HSI Rebalance Preview - Let There Be Change, Brian Freitas sees a high probability of Alibaba Group (9988 HK) and Meituan Dianping (3690 HK) being included in the HSI in this review. The deletions are trickier since there is a fair amount of leeway in the index methodology for the index committee to make a subjective decision. On turnover, he would expect Want Want (151 HK) and Sino Land Co (83 HK) to be deleted, while market value would see China Shenhua Energy Co H (1088 HK) and Aac Technologies Holdings (2018 HK) being deleted.

The Korea Exchange will announce the results of the December 2020 review of the Korea Stock Exchange Kospi 200 Index (KOSPI2 INDEX) in November. The constituent changes will be effective from 11 December 2020 and the rebalancing trades will need to be done at the closing auction on 10 December 2020. At the current time, Brian sees nine stocks being added to and deleted from the index with another three stocks as very close adds and deletes. Depending on where SK Biopharmaceuticals (BIO SK) lists and the average market cap post 15 trading days, there could be a change in the KOSPI2 as early as September. KOSPI200 Rebalance Preview - Positioning Begins for December.

The Korea Exchange will announce the results of the December 2020 review of the KOSDAQ150 Index in November. The constituent changes will be effective from 11 December 2020 and the rebalancing trades will need to be done at the closing auction on 10 December 2020. At the current time, Brian see 11 stocks being added to and deleted from the KOSDAQ150 index. JNTC Co Ltd (204270 KS), Lemon (294140 KQ), MedPacto and Seoul Viosys have all listed in the last 6 months and are eligible for inclusion in this review. There are another 5 stocks that are very close adds or close deletes. KOSDAQ150 Rebalance Preview - Momentum Driving Changes


In Factors Behind Samsung 1P Durability, Sanghyun Park looked at Samsung Electronics Pref Shares (005935 KS), which are hovering around an all-time low to the ords.



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions. These may be indicative of share pledges. Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings.

Often these moves can easily be explained - the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, lock-up expiry, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.




Out of

Dafy Holdings Ltd (1826 HK) 15.74%GF SecCMBC
Steve Leung Design Group Ltd (2262 HK) 22.50%BNPOutside CCASS
3SBio Inc (1530 HK) 18.86%HSBCJPM
Pyi Corp Ltd (498 HK) 19.57%Get NiceCS Wealth
Greater Bay (1189 HK) 18.71%SatunuOutside CCASS
1957 & Co (8495 HK)17.60%BNPOutside CCASS
Source: HKEx

The following large movement(s) concern recently listed companies, and therefore are (likely) lock-up related.


% chg


Out of

SMC Electric (2381 HK)75.00%ElstoneOutside CCASS
Xinyuan Property Management (1895 HK) 60.01%GuotaiOutside CCASS
Litian Pictures Holdings Ltd (9958 HK) 21.25%FounderOutside CCASS
Precious DRagon (1861 HK)42.50%St ChartPo Lee
Source: HKEx
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