CSPC Pharmaceutical (1093 HK): Deep Value High Dividend Yield Idea; New Launches to Drive Growth

392 Views01 Apr 2024 23:29
  • CSPC Pharmaceutical Group (1093 HK) reported steady growth in finished drugs in 2023. New products including Mingfule, Yilouda, and Anfulike achieved rapid sales ramp-up due to inclusion in the NRDL.
  • The company expects to launch 50 innovative drugs in the next five years, which will provide continuous momentum. The company further aims for 17 common generic launches during 2024–2025.
  • CSPC Pharmaceutical shares are trading at a P/E of 11.3x, lowest level seen in last five years, and cheaper than peers. Dividend yield remains attractive at 4%+.
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Tina Banerjee
Global Healthcare Analyst
Health CareEquity Bottom-UpThematic (Sector/Industry)
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