China Traditional Chinese Medicine (570.HK) - The Privatization Rumor and the Outlook

789 Views12 Dec 2022 08:50
Since there have been privatization rumors twice for China TCM, this may not be completely over yet. China TCM’s performance would be under pressure in short term, but would rebound after it recovers.
Boomeranged on Tue, 9 Jan 2024 09:05
Here're some rumors about the plunge: 1)Certain fund is forced to liquidate positions (e.g.千合), leading to stock price decline. 2)In December, sales of TCM (e.g. special purchases for Spring Festival) weren't good. 3)So far, rumors about China TCM's privatization haven't been confirmed, which is not easy as analyzed in the insight. Investors're advised to remain vigilant until get definitive news.
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