Sung Woo IPO Valuation Analysis
Our base case valuation of Sung Woo is target price of 27,981 won per share, which is within the IPO price range of 25,000 won to 29,000 won per...
Sung Woo IPO Preview
Sung Woo is getting ready to complete its IPO in KOSDAQ in October 2024. Sung Woo produces components for cylindrical rechargeable battery, energy...
Tapex IPO (Valuation Analysis) - A Market Leader in Rechargeable Batteries Tapes
We like the Tapex IPO and recommend investors to take the deal. The company has a solid niche in the rechargeable battery, semiconductor, and...
Tapex IPO Preview (Part 1)
This is an IPO preview of Tapex, a leading manufacturer of industrial tapes in Korea. Established in 1994, Tapex makes various kinds of industrial...
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