Singer Thailand

Singer Thailand (SINGER TB)

Consumer DiscretionaryThailand
Singer Thailand Public Company Limited assembles and distributes Singer brand household appliances such as sewing machines, refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, stereos, VCRs and gas stoves. The Company has its own retail network and offers installment financing to its customers.
bullishJaymart PCL
04 Oct 2017 11:02

JMART: Mobile Phones, Cameras, and Debt Collection

Good price momentum, cheap on a gross profit basis, and earnings onan upcycle trend relative to its sector Debt collection subsidiaries Jmt...

bearishJaymart PCL
01 Mar 2017 09:42

Revisiting Jaymart

In the previous (forked) review, we first introduced Jaymart. Since then, a lot has happened. We sold Jaymart for a healthy profit at around...

02 Feb 2017 23:29

Quick Run Down on Valentine Stocks...Sad!

We ran through the list of Valentine-themed stocks and found that it's almost impossible to find anything reasonable from a valuation standpoint...

31 Jan 2017 11:39

This Ain't Winterfell, Summer Is Coming!

Only Gets Hotter from Here On. Summer typically starts in February in Thailand. In the South, there are only two seasons, but elsewhere, summer...

17 Jan 2017 17:35

Turnarounds: Finding A Phoenix In the Land of the Dead

In this review, we highlight the importance for investors to: 1) not 'jump the gun' and sell on companies that are in decline; and 2) think...
