Prudential PLC

Prudential PLC (PRU LN)

FinancialsUnited Kingdom
Prudential plc is an international company which provides a wide assortment of insurance and investment products and services. Insurance products include life, accident and health, property and casualty insurance, as well as fixed and variable annuities. Financial and investment services include personal and group pensions, equity plans, mortgages and deposit accounts.
bullishPrudential PLC
08 Aug 2021 23:17

Prudential Plc – Action Jackson

PRUDENTIAL PLC: Pru disclosed the timeframe of its Jackson de-merger. Jackson will list on the NYSE, and Pru will retain 19.7% of Jackson. This...

bearishPrudential PLC
05 Jul 2021 02:29

Prudential Plc  - Jackson Cracks

PRUDENTIAL: The 1Q21 regulatory financial statement for the Jackson National subsidiary exhibits that statutory equity declined a surprising USD...

bearishAIA Group Ltd
04 Jul 2021 23:51

AIA – Now Competing With Itself In China

AIA GROUP: AIA’s aggressive push into China continues with its 25% stake in China Post Life. The deal makes little sense financially, gives AIA no...

29 Jun 2021 08:02

Midwest Holding - Johnny Hedge Fund

MIDWEST HOLDING: Related parties have pushed ALS out on the risk curve; structured products/illiquid securities raise stress test concerns; and ...

bearishAIA Group Ltd
23 Jun 2021 04:18

AIA Group – Hong Kong In Rearview Mirror

AIA GROUP: In 2020, mainland China became AIA’s largest market. AIA’s received life insurance license approval for Hubei province, reinforcing...
