Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company engages in the exploration and mining of mineral properties primarily in the Philippines. The company operates through three segments: Mining Activities, Service, and Others. It explores for gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc, as well as various kinds of ores, metals, minerals, oil, gas, coal, and related by-products. The company holds interests in the Victoria and Teresa gold projects, and the Enargite copper project located in Mankayan, Benguet. It is also involved in drilling, hauling, and sawmilling activities; apartments/guesthouses and warehouses leasing activities; and insurance and real estate brokerage businesses. In addition, the company offers diamond drilling services primarily to mining companies; and manufactures, distributes, and sells industrial diamond tools, including diamond core and non-core bits, reamer shells, casing bits, diamond circular segmental and diamond gang saws, and tubular and other products for mining exploration, marble cutting, and the construction industry. Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company was founded in 1936 and is based in Makati, the Philippines.