JPMorgan Chase & Co

JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM US)

FinancialsUnited States
JPMorgan Chase & Co. provides global financial services and retail banking. The Company provides services such as investment banking, treasury and securities services, asset management, private banking, card member services, commercial banking, and home finance. JP Morgan Chase serves business enterprises, institutions, and individuals.
30 May 2020 18:56

United Overseas Bank: Go Underweight AT1

Underweight United Overseas Bank (UOBSP) Additional Tier 1 (AT1) bonds. From a relative value perspective, we believe these bonds are likely to...

bearishHSBC Holdings
27 May 2020 23:55

HSBC Holdings – Letting A Good Crisis Go To Waste

*FT Suggests Sea Change In US Strategy: In a Financial Times article dated May 25th“HSBC board rethinks overhaul and seeks even sharper cuts”, it...

18 May 2020 06:32

Providing Crack To An Addict Is Not A Sustainable Global Strategy

*Staring Into The Abyss: Although the market has rebounded since March, we were very close to looking into the abyss with the S&P 500 closing...

17 May 2020 18:16

Bank Credit Weekly: Insight 2020 Update on Contingent Capital – CCB (Asia) Curve Value

In preparation for Insight 2020, we change it up this week and update several charts that we will discuss during the event. Notably, we find that...

bearishHSBC Holdings
11 May 2020 22:50

HSBC Holdings - Fire Sale Time

*Gross Operating Revenues Do NOT Cover Recurring Costs At HSBCNA: HSBC Holdings plc (HSBC) [5.HK/HSBA.LN] is a complete and utter mess. Nowhere is...
