Enjin (7370 JP): 1H FY05/25 flash update
Revenue for FY05/25 was JPY2.7bn, with operating profit at JPY548mn, recurring profit at JPY548mn, and net income at JPY380mn. The company...
Enjin (7370 JP): Q1 FY05/25 flash update
Revenue for FY05/25 was JPY655mn, with operating profit at JPY155mn, and net income at JPY81mn. Enjin reorganized operations into PR Consulting...
Enjin (7370 JP): Full-year FY05/24 flash update
FY05/24 revenue was JPY3.3bn, operating profit JPY1.0bn, recurring profit JPY1.1bn, and net income JPY749mn, all down YoY. Enjin's FY05/25...
Enjin IPO – Small Public Relations Disruptor with Strong Growth
PR service disruptor Enjin's growth rates have been attractive and we lean positive on its IPO but there are some governance niggles to be aware of.
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