CK Hutchison Holdings

CK Hutchison Holdings (1 HK)

IndustrialsHong Kong
CK Hutchison Holdings Limited holds all of the non-property businesses of the Cheung Kong Group and the Hutchison Group, including ports and related services, telecommunications, retail, infrastructure, energy, and movable assets leasing operations.
04 Feb 2016 10:19

Container Shipping 2016 – Operators Facing Prisoner's Dilemma; Industry Could Lose USD 5bn in 2016

Seven years after the start of the global financial crisis in 2008, the supply-demand balance of the container shipping industry remains...

01 Feb 2016 05:34

Oil Now Tied for Cheapest in 50+ Years Using Most Objective Metric (Graphs and Data Follow-Ons)

Based on a lot of long term data, and looking closely at daily patterns the nature of oversold oil becomes apparent. Were it not for China’s...

20 Jan 2016 06:44

Triangulating Oil Back to 60s (And Shipping Credit Watch Updates...)

My father, an old school broker, banker and adviser for over 40 years, used to tell me as a child that one of the most important relationships to...

13 Jan 2016 13:06

Dry Bulk Shipping - 2016 - Falling Knife Disguised as Pocket of Value ?

2015: Investors catch a falling knife disguised as pocket of value Source: Bloomberg, DMER Investors suffered massive wealth erosion in 2015, as...

12 Jan 2016 15:29

CK Hutchison Holdings Looks to Change Debate in Europe on in Country Telecom Consolidation

Ck Hutchison Holdings Ltd (1 HK) held an analyst day in London this week. It seemed to target European regulators more than investors. CKH is...
