Mitsubishi Corp

Mitsubishi Corp (8058 JP)

Mitsubishi Corporation is a general trading company. The Company has business groups such as New Business Initiatives, IT & Electronics, Fuels, Metals, Machinery, Chemicals, Living Essentials, and Professional Services. Mitsubishi diversifies by satellite communications through a joint venture.
15 Feb 2017 09:40

DFRS LNG Shipping Outlook 2017 - Oversupply Will Weigh on What Fundamentally Is a Liquefaction Story

DFRS LNG Shipping Outlook 2017 - Tonnage Oversupply Will Continue to Weigh Despite new liquefaction capacity that will come online in 2017, the...

15 Feb 2017 08:29

The Pathology of Fake News ... We Are All Perpetrators

This is not just often coming from Trump, Putin, China’s leadership or a slew of unverified stories on the Web, but is a pervasive and age old...

14 Feb 2017 00:04

Globalization May Be Going Extinct, Replaced by a New Global Populism

Brexit was the first visible symptom that of the rise of the more insular, economically viable, semi-protectionist nation state is stirring to...

07 Feb 2017 19:43

DFRS Container Shipping Bonds Outlook - Recovery Priced In, See Downside Risk from Current Levels

DFRS Container Shipping Bonds Outlook - Recovery Priced In, See Downside Risk from Current Levels In the current interest rate environment, we...

07 Feb 2017 14:08

Container Shipping - Spot Rates Now Filtering into Contract Rates, Indicating Big Positive Reversal

Container Shipping - Spot Rates Now Filtering into Contract Rates, Indicating a Big Positive ReversalIn our last...
