Indusind Bank

Indusind Bank (IIB IN)

IndusInd Bank Limited is a Mumbai-based Indian new generation bank established in 1994. The Bank provides a range of banking and financial services including wholesale banking, credit monitoring, risk management, tele-banking, investment banking and commercial lending. IndusInd Bank operates branches throughout India as well as an office in Dubai and London.
08 Oct 2020 16:42

India-Headquartered Banks: Stable Deposits and Costs 1-Year After the Yes Bank Silent Run

Approximately one-year ago, India-headquartered Yes Bank began to experience a silent run on its deposits. To mark this inauspicious anniversary,...

06 Oct 2020 01:07

Reserve Bank of India - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

* RBI Failure To Think Through Moratorium Leads To Continued Uncertainty for India: On September 3, 2020, the Supreme Court of India held a hearing...

bullishICICI Bank Ltd
16 Sep 2020 00:31

ICICI Bank – Insurance Waiver In Reality Is Capital Forbearance

*Ownership Waiver Received On Insurance: On September 14th, ICICI Bank (ICICIBC.IN) [ICICI] announced that it had received an exemption on...

14 Sep 2020 04:13

Reserve Bank of India – Toothless Tiger

* RBI Failure To Think Through Moratorium Leads To Continued Uncertainty for India: On September 3, 2020, the Supreme Court of India held a hearing...

31 Aug 2020 20:33

Bank Credit Compass: September Expectations and August Performance in Asia

We may be closer to market tights in terms of credit spreads than we expected one week ago. We are not convinced that the Fed can meet its new.. .
