Sri Trang Gloves (Thailand) Public Company Limited (STGT TB): Short-Term Pain; Long-Term Gain

295 Views30 Mar 2022 19:33
  • Riding on COVID-driven demand boom, Sri Trang Gloves (Thailand) Public Company Limited (STGT TB) reported record high performance in 2021, which is not likely to continue in near-term.
  • However, post pandemic, gloves demand is expected to improve on the back of increased glove usage from emerging markets with low gloves consumption per capita and heightened hygiene awareness.
  • STGT shares have corrected 15% thus far in this year, providing a good buy on dip opportunity. Shares can be considered for the long-haul.
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Tina Banerjee
Global Healthcare Analyst
Health CareEquity Bottom-UpThematic (Sector/Industry)
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