Shanghai Pharmaceuticals (2607 HK/601607 CH): Strong Start of 2023; Outlook Continues to Be Positive

449 Views04 Jun 2023 00:02
  • Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Holding (2607 HK) reported 16% YoY revenue growth to RMB66B in 1Q23, driven by 17% YoY growth in pharmaceutical service segment, which contributed 88% of revenue.
  • During the quarter, the company recorded net profit of RMB1.5B, up 21% YoY. Net margin expanded 9bps to 2.29%, driven by margin expansion in pharmaceutical manufacturing segment.
  • Consolidating position in pharma distribution business, surging pharmaceutical manufacturing business, late-stage innovative drug pipeline, and accelerating internationalization strategy enhance conviction on SPH’s ability to maintain double-digit growth through 2025.
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Tina Banerjee
Global Healthcare Analyst
Health CareEquity Bottom-UpThematic (Sector/Industry)
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