
Elk Petroleum

Rockies CO2 EOR consolidation

52 Views15 Aug 2017 00:56

Elk Petroleum (ELK) is an ASX-listed oil and gas producer and developer with a focus on enhanced oil recovery (EOR) from mature fields. The company’s current focus is on CO2 EOR projects in Wyoming, US, where it’s first EOR development project, Grieve, is due on stream in late 2017/ early 2018. Grieve, combined with the recent acquisition of a c 14% interest in the Madden gas field is due to turn ELK into a producer and material CO2 resource owner. We visited both Grieve and Madden in July 2017, which helped highlight a number of opportunities management is actively engaged in targeting. These include resource upside at both Grieve and Madden, numerous high IRR infrastructure optimisation opportunities and CO2 EOR opportunities in the vicinity of ELK’s operated assets. Our valuation of ELK reduces from A$0.11/share to A$0.09/share due to a reduction in Edison’s long term oil price assumption from $80/bbl (2022) to 70$/bbl.

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