JPMorgan Global Growth & Income (JGGI) seeks capital growth from a portfolio of c 50–90 attractively valued stocks drawn from the best ideas of J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s (JPMAM’s) large team of research-driven global equity analysts. The portfolio is managed by the new team of Helge Skibeli, Raj Tanna and Tim Woodhouse (co-manager alongside Jeroen Huysinga, who retired in Q219). While recent returns have inevitably been hit by the global stock market sell-off, JGGI’s NAV total return of +9.5% is ahead of the benchmark MSCI AC World index (+8.8%) over 12 months to 29 February 2020, and broadly in line over one, three and six months. The trust also seeks to reward investors through a high distribution policy, paying out c 4% of the previous year-end NAV in quarterly instalments.
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