JPMorgan Global Growth & Income - Delivering ‘best of both worlds’ – growth & income

58 Views17 Sep 2020 21:10

JPMorgan Global Growth & Income (JGGI) aims to provide superior total returns and outperform its benchmark over the long term by investing in a portfolio of 50–90 companies from around the world. It has achieved this objective, delivering outright gains and outperforming its benchmark since the inception of its current strategy in 2008. JGGI makes quarterly distributions set at the beginning of the financial year, with the intention of paying at least 4% of NAV at the time of announcement. Dividend payments can be funded from reserves, which means the managers are not constrained by the need to purchase high-yielding stocks but are instead free to invest in non-dividend paying stocks for capital growth. The managers believe this gives investors ‘the best of both worlds’.

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