
Jeisys Medical (287410 KS): Solid Q1 Result; New Product Launch and China Expansion to Drive Growth

346 Views29 May 2023 13:40
  • Jeisys Medical (287410 KS) recorded 15% YoY revenue growth in 1Q23, mainly driven by a 25% YoY growth in consumables due to the increasing number of aesthetic procedures globally.
  • As of 1Q23, cumulative sales of two major devices of Jeisys, LinearFirm/LinearZ and Potenza reached 3,411 and 2,431 units, respectively. Expanding installed base should further drive consumables revenue growth.
  • Jeisys has launched a new device in domestic market and Japan in current quarter. The company aims to accelerate growth momentum through entry in to new market, including China.
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