
๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต Japan in the Suga Era - Policy Priorities & 'Suga Stocks'

1.1k Views30 Oct 2020 07:29
Source for all charts & tables unless otherwise stated: Japan Analytics

SHORT TENURE - Since 1979 the average prime ministerial tenure in Japan has been 750 days. Excluding the three longest-serving Prime Ministers of the last forty years - Nakasone, Koizumi and Abe 2 - the average is 494 days. The equity market has favoured long-serving Liberal Democratic Party government (marked in light green above) and disliked periods of coalition or opposition (้‡Žๅ…š yatล) government and also tenures of less than eighteen months.

PM SUGA - Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide succeeded former Prime Minister Abe on 16th September the latter having stepped down for health reasons. Suga had served as Chief Cabinet Secretary (ๅ†…้–ฃๅฎ˜ๆˆฟ้•ทๅฎ˜, Naikaku-kanbล-chลkan) for all of Abe's premiership. The continuity offered by Suga's elevation provides Japan with the prospect of an extended period of political stability. From his policy statements made during the brief prime-ministerial election campaign, Suga has bold aims for challenging Japan's economic and social ills. Given his previous role and mastery of the balance between political necessities and bureaucratic realities, the Suga era could be as impactful as those of Nakasone, Koizumi and Abe 2. We view such an outcome as bullish for the Japanese economy and stock market.

In the DETAIL below, we shall cover the following topics:-



Defence & Foreign Policy

Economic Policy

Administrative Reform

The Digital Agency

Telecommunications Services

Birth-rate and Fertility Treatment

Regional Revitalisation & Regional Bank Reform

SME restructuring

Carbon Neutrality & A Nuclear Renaissance


WHAT'S ORIGINAL? - This Insight reviews the implications of PM Suga's policy platform for specific sectors and stocks in the Japanse equity market and concludes with five long and five short recommendations for large-cap growth and value-orientated portfolios.

"Self-help, mutual help, public help, and "kizuna" (bonds) is our vision for society. With that in mind, we firmly believe, overcoming various issues, such as regional revitalization and the shrinking population, as well as the declining birth-rate and aging society, will create dynamism in Japan. To this end, we will meet the people's expectations by giving birth to a "Cabinet that works for the People," which gives its all to advance regulatory reforms without being constrained by the vested interests of the stakeholders, tearing down bureaucratic sectionalism and the notorious habit of following past precedents.

Statement of the Prime Minister

September 16th, 2020

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