Hot Chili Limited (ASX:HCH) is a copper explorer with an advanced portfolio of low altitude, porphyry copper-gold projects in the Costa Fuego district of northern Chile.
The company listed in 2010 on the ASX and has spent the past 12 years acquiring, developing and proving up the resources at its Productora, San Antonio, Cortadera and Valentina projects in Costa Fuego as well as securing access to water, power and mining infrastructure surface rights which will hasten the development approvals process.
In that time, Hot Chili has increased its indicated resource by 1,500% to 3.41Mt Cu Eq. The company has announced its preliminary economic assessment (PEA) which estimates a post-tax Net Present Value (NPV) of US$1.1bn using a copper price of US$3.85/lb and a gold price of US$1,750/oz.
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