Partial disposal of Club Med by Fosun Tourism could boost stock value by as much as HK$6.9/share under rough estimates, aligning valuation with international peers which are at 26.2x FY24.
What is covered in the Full Insight:
Market Speculation on Club Med Disposal
Financial Impact of Potential Disposal
Operating Performance of Club Med
Valuation Comparison with Peers
Boomeranged on Fri, 29 Nov 2024 09:11
Fosun Tourism remains suspended, and we are awaiting an announcement. Speculation is that it involves privatisation by its parent, Fosun Intl. However, given the latter’s high gearing, it looks unlikely. Instead, a partial disposal of Club Med is more likely. We estimated the value generated at HK$6.90. Also, the possibility of Fosun Intl disposing of part of its interest cannot be ruled out.
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